Saturday, December 8, 2012

Stupid Is As Stupid Does...!

The amount of stupid people roaming around free on the city's streets is becoming alarming!

All I can say after reading this story is, I do hope that phone call was worth the trouble it caused for this lady! Let's just hope she doesn't have access to any firearms!

Authorities: Woman thought phone call was more important than Staten Island judge's order

John M. Annese/Staten Island Advance By John M. Annese/Staten Island Advance on December 06, 2012 at 6:10 PM, updated December 07, 2012 at 7:04 AM

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- If you're spending the day in criminal court, there are some things you probably shouldn't do:

Talk loudly on your cell phone.

Ignore the judge when he tells you to leave the courtroom.

Argue with the court officer who escorts you out of the room.

Continue to struggle with court officers outside, then punch one of them in the face.

Authorities say 21-year-old Jennifer Ortiz of Manhattan did all these things in Stapleton Criminal Court on Wednesday, and that landed her locked up on felony charges.

Ms. Ortiz was in Judge Alan Meyer's courtroom at about 2:55 p.m. when she engaged in what the criminal complaint against her describes as "disorderly, contemptuous and insolent behavior, committed during the sitting of a court, in its immediate view and presence."

The complaint states she was "waiting for a case to be called while court was in session," but doesn't elaborate on the nature of that case, or if she was the defendant or an onlooker. Online court records don't show her name on the docket for that day.

Now she's on the docket, though -- she was arraigned in that same courtroom Thursday afternoon, where she was ordered held on $1,000 bail until her next scheduled appearance on Tuesday.

Ms. Ortiz is charged with second-degree assault, second-degree obstructing governmental administration, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and second-degree criminal contempt, according to a spokesman for District Attorney Daniel Donovan.

Now I'm guessing this phone call was very, very important, or else that this person is NOT the sharpest crayon in the box! My money is on the latter!

Coffee on the patio this morning. I'm baking cookies today! Can you smell 'em?


  1. Awesome. I rarely wish bad things on folks, but she might need to have some "alone time" in a nice little cell....

  2. Doubt her life will improve greatly.

  3. Just goes to show what little respect her generation has for authority.

  4. Sadly, jail has become a badge of honor for some, she'll probably get a cool tat when she gets out. Bring back the chain gang.

  5. Hey Bob...
    I do hope that a "time out" behind bars will make her see the folly of her ways, but somehow I doubt that it will!

    I sure appreciate you coming over this morning!

    Hey JMD...
    I'm afraid you're right about that! Some folks just never learn!

    Thanks so much for the visit!

    Hey Momlady...
    No wonder we are in such trouble today! Don't need too many more like this running around loose!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Randall...
    I reckon that if she gets a tat...Goofey would be a good one!

    Scary! Thanks for coming over today!

  6. It's not only that people are just stupid, it's that a great many egos are WAAAYYY out of control these days. Many, many people believe what they want should be priority over everything else and they simply should not be accountable. People have no respect for anything anymore.

  7. The lack of respect for others is at an alarmingly high rate. People today are Stupid - it must be some kind of plot by the terrorists to implant stupid people in our society. And now the stupid people are reproducing. Sure hope that phone call was worth it. Have a great weekend.

  8. Hey Anne...
    Big egos and very little respect for others...sounds like a lot of the present world leaders, doesn't it?

    You have a great day, my friend, and thanks for the visit!

    Hey Linda...
    i think it's the reproducing part that scares me the most!

    I do hope that we don't have too many more generations with these qualities, at least in the same quantities!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

  9. No, time out will not help her and there are way to many like her around.
    Cookies! I smell cookies, on my way.

  10. Hey Jo...
    I reckon you are right about that! And indeed there are way too many like this around!

    Don't worry, sweetie! I'll save ya a cookie!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  11. Good thing she wasn't driving a car at the time.

  12. Hey Sixbears...
    I think that some of her relatives might be driving in my neighborhood!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I certainly agree with you on that!

    Thanks for the visit today!

  13. I never stop to get surprised about how stupid people really can be :-) :-) :-) I do hope they took the phone away from her, she really need some time away from it :-)

    Have a great day!

  14. Hey Christer...
    Some folks should never be allowed to own a phone! Using one in the proper fashion and the right place seems to be beyond them!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  15. Sigh. Stupidity should be painful, Mister Hermit, sir.

    Uh-oh...maybe it is, and that's why I ache all the time...

    D'oh! :-)

    Shade and Sweetwater,
