Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter...!

Remember when we were kids and Easter was always a little special?

First of all, we all dressed up and off we went to church! Seems like more folks came to church that day than any other day, with the exception of Christmas! Afterwards the family all had dinner together, whether at our house or maybe that of a friend. At some point during the day, there would be the traditional Easter Egg hunt! That was always fun, until I got too old to think it was cool, ya know?

Anyway, thinking about some of those old memories made me want to find some small bits of those days if I could! I've posted two or three examples of a few of those memories here today! See if it brings back any memories for you!

Boy, that was a long time ago! Guess I am showing my age here.

Of course, there were songs by big name stars and great movies like the "Easter Parade", remember?

Wonder why we don't have any good movies like that anymore? However, there were other songs that were more in tune to what Easter Sunday was all about. Reminders that there was more than eggs and chocolate and candy! Songs like this...

Now, my friends, go out and hunt some eggs, share a visit with friends, have a nice dinner! Remember though, family is all important! Spend some time with them if you can, OK?

Coffee out on the patio this morning. Have a great Easter everyone!


  1. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)March 31, 2013 at 4:33 AM

    Thanks for the wonderful memories, Mr. Hermit! Makes me so sad that we have lost some of our greatest religious traditions to political correctness.
    Wonder if we will ever get them back so future children can marvel at them too! Having a big dinner at our house with the family AND an Easter egg hunt complete with chocolate bunnies and jelly beans! Wished you lived closer - would love to have you join us!

  2. Hey Phyllis...
    So many of our traditions have fallen by the wayside in the last few years.

    Setting aside some time for family traditions is becoming more and more rare, and it's almost as though folks avoid anything as far as religion goes. That's sad!

    You have a great day, and thank you for coming by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I hope you have a blessed day as well!

    Thanks for coming by this morning!

  3. Happy Easter and thanks for the oldies.

    I'll bring some chocolate cake instead of chocolate bunnies.

  4. Hey Jo...
    You are certainly more than welcome!

    I'm all in for the chocolate cake, you know that!

    Happy Easter and thanks for coming over, sweetie!

  5. I had wonderful parents and they made everyday special. Holidays were, of course, extra special. I would go back and life my youth all over again if I could.

  6. Happy Easter! Hope you have a great day. thanks for the memories. Don't forget the Jelly Bellys.

  7. Happy Easter Hermit. Yes, I do miss the movies that you didn't have to be afraid what they are going to show you next. Too bad.

    Going to be 81 today, about time for all the biting and stinging creatures to appear.

  8. Hey Dizzy...
    I think that happy childhood memories make the rest of our lives much more fun.

    I don't think I would want to go all the way back and start over, but re-living a few moments here and there would be great!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Linda...
    How could one ever forget the jelly bellies?

    Hope you make some good memories today!

    Thanks for coming by to share a cup!

    Hey JMD...
    Yep, the days of the "gotchas" are upon us!

    At least they bring some warmer weather with 'em!

    Happy Easter, and thanks for stopping by!

  9. ...Happy Easter Brother Jim, GodBless...

  10. Happy Easter, Uncle Hermit, have a beautiful day.


  11. Hey Ken...
    Man, it is good to see ya again!

    Happy Easter back at ya, brother!

    Many thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Felinae...
    I hope the Easter day around your house is a blessed one.

    Thanks so much for coming over today!

  12. Catching up a bit late due to travel. We did a lot of those traditions including the egg hunt, egg coloring, and time spent with family. It was all good and hope your Easter was too.

  13. I saw where Easter Parade was on TCM over the weekend. Wouldn't you know it, I don't get that channel! Bummed beyond belief! :-(
