Monday, April 1, 2013

Monsters For Monday Mystery...!

We have an interesting mystery for today.

Unless you are a student of Japanese folk lore, you probably haven't heard of this one. I know I hadn't before I found this article at Listverse! Good source for interesting stuff!

Invisible Monster Attacks in Japan

Around 1890, surreal events began taking place in Japan, mainly in the area of Kamakura, Yamanouchi Ken. While scientists at the time attempted to explain the phenomenon, local villagers were convinced the cause was due to an invisible monster.

Men walking in fields, at home, or in the open would suddenly feel a strong wind and be knocked over. When they stood, the victims found wounds in their legs. The injuries were narrow slits approximately 1”-1½” long and about an inch deep, and had no apparent cause. At first painless and bloodless, after about a half hour the wounds began to bleed and the pain intensified. It was also reported that the injuries were very difficult to heal.

Scientists studying the events theorized the men’s wounds were caused by an inexplicable loss of atmospheric pressure creating a temporary vacuum. However, the stricken men and other locals believed the wounds were the work of a legendary y?kai called kamaitachi, or the “sickle weasel”—a supernatural creature with sharp, sickle-like claws who traveled in a whirlwind (sometimes described as traveling in trios) and attacked humans so quickly, they couldn’t be detected with the naked eye. The kamaitachi was said to use a medicine on the inflicted wounds to temporarily halt bleeding and pain.

The rash of attacks eventually ceased, or at least ceased being reported by newspapers at the time. No absolute explanation has ever been put forward.

You have to admit that this monster is just a tad different than the others we talked about. Strange, don't you think?

We better have our coffee inside this morning, It's trying to rain again and it's just a tad cooler!


  1. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)April 1, 2013 at 2:44 AM

    They do come up with interesting stories! Remember Godzilla?
    Rained hard here last night too so coffee inside with good friends will hit the spot. I'll bring some coconut topped cake for all.

  2. That is creepy. That would be a good episode for the In Search of Monster show on TV. I would love a cup of coffee around the kitchen table this morning.

  3. Those folks can come up with some strange things. There fun to read.
    Thank you for always bringing us interesting things.

    Coffee inside is fine.

  4. Hey Phyllis...
    I wonder if the dropping of the atom bomb and it's effects have anything to do with the Fascination those folks have with monsters?

    That cake sure does sound good!

    Thanks for the visit this morning.

    Hey Sixbears...
    It is a strange one, for sure!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Linda...
    They sure have some interesting creatures on that show!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Jo...
    Yes they can! Right you are about it making some good reading!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

  5. Hey MuddyValley...
    I promise that wasn't intentional! Pretty funny when you think about it!

    Thanks for the visit today!

  6. LOL...that monster IS the spitting image of my Mean Girl Woozle, Helen! After a sunny weekend here, it is cloudy, tho' no rain was in the forecast...I am debating tilling up a garden section and putting down black weedblock to warm the ground for planting corn and bennie? Being in the garden puts me OUTSIDE the rambunctious woozle zone!

  7. Hey Syrbal...
    With the weather being all crazy this year, it's hard to know just what to do!

    Thanks for coming over today!
