Tuesday, April 2, 2013

First Woman Judge...!

Sometimes we tend to forget that women haven't always had an equal voice in politics of this country!

For a woman to be voting was a big step in the right direction, but for a woman to gbecome a judge...that was huge! I think this not only opened up a lot of the future for many women, but showed that they should be considered as equal partners of all facets of life in the developent of our country!

Apr 2, 1902:
First woman judge dies in Wyoming

Esther Morris, the first woman judge in American history, dies in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Although widely celebrated as a hero of the early suffragist movement, Esther Morris was hardly a radical advocate for women's rights. She spent the first 55 years of her life living quietly in New York state and Illinois, working as a milliner and housewife. In 1869, Morris moved to Wyoming Territory with her second husband, who had opened a saloon in the gold mining camp of South Pass City.

That same year, a territorial representative from South Pass City introduced a bill giving women the right to vote and hold public office. Eager to promote Wyoming Territory and to attract more women settlers, the all-male territorial legislature approved the bill, making Wyoming the first territory or state in American history to enfranchise women. One of the strongest backers of the new law was the territorial governor, John Campbell. Eager to take more actions to further women's political power, in early 1870 Campbell began to search for women qualified and willing to be appointed as justices of the peace. Morris became Campbell's first and only successful appointment.

Hailed by American suffragists as the first female judge in the world, Morris does not appear to have been a dedicated activist for women's rights. Appointed to serve out the term of a man who had resigned, Morris only worked for nine months as a justice of the peace. During that time she competently handled the 26 cases she tried. After she retired from the post in November 1870, however, Morris never again sought public office. When later asked about the issue of women's suffrage, Morris replied that women would do well to leave the matter in the hands of men. Like many women of the time, Morris supported women's rights, but she believed a gradual approach would prove most successful

Despite her reluctance to be revered as an activist, Morris has often been celebrated as an important symbol of women's rights. In 1890, one of her sons began calling her the "mother of woman suffrage" in his Cheyenne newspaper. Nearly two decades after she died in 1902, a witness claimed that Morris had pushed for the introduction of the original bill granting women the vote in 1869, though other evidence contradicts this claim. Nonetheless, as the "first woman judge," Morris has continued to be a symbol of the long battle for women's rights in America. Bronze statues at the U.S. Capitol and in Cheyenne honor her memory.

Why we ever waited so long to allow women to get involved in the politics in the early day is beyond me, but in todays political theatre I feel there are a few that should have never been let in! No names are necessary, as I'm sure you know who I mean!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. Sorry, but I ate the last of the chocolate pie! How about some fruit?


  1. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)April 2, 2013 at 5:19 AM

    Gotta give her credit for not making it a career!
    28 here, so your patio will be perfect. Good thing you ate all the chocolate pie -I'm still stuffed from Easter dinner.

  2. It really wasn't all that long ago, and she just the first. We wasted the potential of half the country.

    Coffee's perking on the woodstove. Looking out on the new snow.

  3. Bubba - This woman seems to have done it right - get your job done, then leave it for somebody else to take over the next round. We have some women, and men, who can't seem to remember that holding political office was designed to be in addition to a regular profession, not BE the profession.

    As for the one who should not have gotten in - did she perhaps say something like "Let's pass this heathcare bill so we can read it and find out what's in it!"?

    Just asking.......

  4. I agree with your statement about why did it take so long to allow women to get involved in politics. And, that there are some women who should never have been allowed to hold any political position. Some women are very good at holding a public office as they are very well educated and very fair minded. Then there are those who use this position just to force their political beliefs on everyone. Enough said. Coffee and fruit sound very good to me.

  5. She was a great lady. Unlike the some of the women of the time she handled herself with quiet pride.

    Yes I know who you mean and there are more unfortunately.

    I'll take a refill please.

  6. hi. don't know about 'the first' since deborah was a judge in israel.
    however ihave thought about the dilemma of politics for years and have reached the tentative conclusion that the system does not attract statesmen because the foofarraw necessary to getting elected would never be tolerated for a single second by CPA's and engineers, who, i think, are the most logical choices for getting things done efficiently, sensibly and under-budget.
    so we get the likes of the above-mentioned and her equally crazy and God-hating allies.
    deb harvey

  7. Hey Phyllis...
    I don't think most of the politicians back then wanted to stay in politics. Most had a real life away from all the circus.

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    I'm glad we finally started listening to the "better half" and putting them in places where they could do some good!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    Does seem like it should work that way, but now days...who knows?

    That statement sounds about right! Shows their way of thinking!

    Thanks, Sis, for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    I agree with everything you say, and it could apply to the men as well!

    Coffee and fruit it is! Thanks for the visit!

    Hey Jo...
    Quiet pride and getting the job done! Some of that would be nice today!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over today!

    Hey Deb...
    Now days it seems like politics is a game played by the rich at the expense of the working class!

    Lots of crazy folks holding office today, without a doubt!

    Many thanks for coming over this morning!
