Friday, May 31, 2013

Let's Play A Game...!

I found this game over at Listverse, and it seemed like a good way to discover a little history about folks. I don't feel that it is disrespectful, but some might feel that it is.

Cemetery Safari

Some may consider this disrespectful, but rest assured, none is intended. Go to a cemetery, preferably one in an area you aren’t too familiar with. Find a tombstone that stands out to you, and write down the person’s name. When you get home, research that person, and check out their history. Generally, the more ornate tombstones lead to more eccentric people! I have found some truly amazing stories on my Safaris, which have in turn led me to other relatives in other cemeteries, which augmented my Urban Exploring.

I haven't participated with this activity before, but I did go along with some folks that were doing rubbings of tombstones. That was pretty educational, and some of the rubbings were very nice! This might be an activity more pleasant if done in the light of day, if you know what I mean!

I'm going to the V.A. today and will be there most of the help yourself to the coffee. You know where the pot is, right?


  1. Once upon a time we lived right next to a very old cemetery. (good neighbors, by the way) There were soldiers buried in there that fought in Washington's army and the civil war. The saddest ones were of all the little children. It must have been a really hard life back then.
    Enjoy your day out - we'll save a chocolate DD for 'ya!

  2. We have a very old cemetery in town and many fought in the Civil War. Sounds like an interesting "game". Hope all goes well at the VA.

  3. I love exploring at old cemeteries. I find them so very interesting and always wonder how the people died. I visit an old cemetery once a year and some of the graves are extremely old. Have a great weekend.

  4. I also love old cemeteries. Out West there are some very old ones. Some tell you how they died and most were killed by Indians or shoot outs. Very interesting stuff.

    Well keep the pot going for you today. I know all will be well.

  5. Good luck with the VA today. Hope all is well with you.

  6. Have several old cemeteries in the area will take part in the game soon....A prayer for you and your trip to the VA today!
