Thursday, May 30, 2013

Let's Talk About "Twilight Zone"...!

One of the most memorable shows from my early days was "The Twilight Zone" with host Rod Sterling.

I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one that spent many hours in front of the tube watching this show. In fact, there are a few stations that still show the series to this very day! That says a lot about both the acting and the writers, in my opinion. I thought that this article about anthology series from the Listverse folks was worth sharing.

Anthology Series

The heyday of the network news anchor was also a formative time for television storytelling, and a transition from the techniques of radio and stage. Many early television shows were essentially filmed radio or stage plays, and one of the most effective ways to try out new ideas and techniques was the anthology series. These shows would use some sort of framing device to present a new story—with a different cast—every week, often employing a stable of writers and drawing from literary and theatrical sources. One of the most popular, Studio 60, ran for over a decade between 1948 and 1958, and helped to solidify the genre and its conventions; but another, debuting a year later, would have an enormous and lasting impact not just on television, but entertainment and storytelling in general.

The Twilight Zone was created in 1958 by Rod Serling, a veteran writer of anthologies like Kraft Television Theater and Hallmark Hall of Fame. A sort of pre-pilot, “The Time Element” aired on The Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse, another anthology series; by the time its run had concluded in 1964, it had established and cemented conventions of script, camera work, and acting that had not been present on television before, and continue to be used today. Too many famous actors to list here had breakthrough appearances on the show, and one of its head writers is such a towering influence on popular culture that he may yet garner a list unto himself.

The anthology format was used to great effect to explore the fledgling television medium’s language, boundaries and techniques—a purpose it appears to have largely fulfilled, as it is all but extinct today. Even separate revivals of The Twilight Zone in 1985 and 2002 couldn’t help bring it back.

You know, in all the shows like the Twilight Zone that I watched, I don't remember ever hearing one cuss word or seeing any nudity at all. Things have certainly changes in the "entertainment" industry and not completely for the good! Just my opinion, ya know?

How about some coffee out on the patio this morning? Gonna get hot later, but right now it isn't too bad!


  1. I am no prude, but I appreciate the old shows with no nudity or cursing. I loved The Twilight Zone. It frightened me then and now.

  2. Hey Linda...
    I think the older shows could tell a good story without going too far over the boundaries of good taste!

    Probably the reason so many of them were a little scary is that there was a kernel of truth in the stories.

    Thanks for the visit this morning.

  3. hi.i wouldn't watch twilight zone. when the music came on i hid my ears with a pillow but i could still hear it. it gave me nightmares.
    however, i am a prude. someone said 'the more flrsh shown, the less talent.'
    that is true.
    shows could have a much higher quality.
    since networks want only males between 18 and 36 we'll just leave the t v off.
    networks are neglecting the majority of the population. we do spend money, too. just on different things.
    the networks need to wake up as the young are using other media, and 'regular' t v may be outmoded and fall by the wayside.
    deb harvey

  4. Maybe it's because we have dirty imaginations, but the sexual insinuation of the old shows had much more "sex appeal" than all the bare skin these days.

  5. I loved that show! There was always a good twist to the tale at the end.
    Television is so full of junk now-a-days that I haven't watched it for years. The writers think that their audience is as dumb as they are!
    Gonna be hot here for the next couple of days, too. I'll bring crumb buns for all this morning.

  6. The Twilight Zone was my favorite show. I still watch it today whenever I can find it on the tube. I am not a prude either but I don't think nudity and cusssing are appropriate on television. Explain to me how Gypsy Rose Lee could be considered the greatest "strip teaser" of all times if she never removed her clothes? Some things are best left to the imagination!!! Hence the word "tease" I really don't watch the majority of what is on TV; I watch mostly History Animal Planet Discovery, etc. If this is a sign of old age then so be it.

  7. I loved the Twilight Zone. Sometimes I catch a rerun. Yes I agree todays TV is filled with filth and to many young kids are exposed to it there doesn't seem to be any parental control anymore.

    I'd love some coffee please.

  8. I loved The Twoilight Zone. I still watch the reruns everytime they are on.

  9. Hey Debora...
    There will come a time that the PTB in television realize the younger set is never satisfied!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Gorges...
    The imagined acts will always be more interesting than the pictured ones, I think.

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    The story elements are what gave the show such a kick. We knew it was coming, but had no clue as to what it was!

    Bring on those buns! Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    I'm with you about the shows on television. The history channel and Discovery are my favorites!

    I sure appreciate you coming over today!

    Hey Jo...
    Guess that there is no such thing as parental control anymore!

    The world has gone crazy! Worse everyday!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over this morning!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Like the older westerns, it is hard to beat!

    Sometimes reruns are the best thing to watch.

    Thanks for dropping by today!

  10. Oh, Twilight Zone, I do miss that show. Wish it was still on.
