Friday, July 5, 2013

Canadian Gold...!

First of all, let me say that I hope everyone had a great holiday!

The price of precious metals is always an interesting topic for those that care about those things. However, today I wanted to talk about our friends to the north and their mint, including gold coins! There may be some facts about the Canadian mint you didn't know!

Royal Canadian Mint

The Royal Canadian Mint is responsible for the production of all of Canada’s coinage (as well as some for other countries, like New Zealand and Papua New Guinea). Aside from the typical circulation coins, the Mint is known to produce a vast array of collector coins, not limited to glow-in-the-dark dinosaur versions. While all these novelty coins are technically legal tender, it is up to the individual bank or business whether they want to accept them or not. In 2007, they unveiled their most impressive model yet, a 100-kilogram (220-lb) gold bullion coin about the circumference of a large pizza. It boasts a face value of one million dollars, but at more than 99 percent pure gold, it is actually worth well over three million dollars at current trading rates.

I don't know about you, but I don't have big enough pockets to carry around a coin like that. Even if I had one, where would I spend it?

How about we have our coffee out on the patio this morning? It's only supposed to reach 97 today!


  1. Can you imagine the money they spent to produce an unusable coin?

  2. Hey Gorges...
    It does sorta boggle the mind, doesn't it?

    Thanks for coming over today!

  3. That would be something to see. Gonna be hot today - it's 72 already and it's not even 4:30! Coffee on the patio is fine - I'll bring some vanilla cookies for all!

  4. A 220 pound coin! Hmmmmm kinda maks me wonder, why they would want to do that lol! Hope you had a good holiday as well. See you on the patio....thanks for the invite!

  5. Imagine the vending machine that would take such a coin. :)

  6. That would sure put a hole in your pocket!!! It would fall right through. I ain't fussy though, if you want to give me one I will take it. I could always file enough off everyday to meet expenses. . .

  7. At least we know our government isn't the only one to spend money for nonsense.

    Hope you had a good day yesterday.
    I'll have some coffee on the patio with everyone.

  8. I'll take it...might take me a while to cut it into small pieces, but I'd sure give it the ole' try.

  9. Hey Phyllis...
    Vanilla cookies sounds really good!

    Maybe that coin was made just to show off!

    Thanks for coming over this morning.

    Hey Mamahen...
    Can't understand what use the coin would be! Still, it must be impressive!

    I sure thank you for coming over today.

    Hey Sixbears...
    That would be a very large vending machine!

    Hey, thanks for dropping by this morning.

    Hey Dizzy...
    I guess that I could put one in the garage for storage.

    I could spend it a chunk at a time, I reckon.

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by

    Hey Jo...
    Wonder just how many other governments make crazy things like this?

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over this morning!

    Hey Stephen...
    We could all come over with our hack saws and lend a hand! Might have to check our pockets when we left, though.

    Thanks for the visit today!

  10. Don't think I have a pocket large enough to carry that coin, nor the income to purchase it . Have a great weekend. Hot and humid here.

  11. Hey Linda...
    My income and pockets are in the same shape! Guess we will just have to look and not buy.

    Thanks for coming by today!
