Saturday, July 6, 2013

Let's Talk Vaults...!

Something a little different for everyone to ponder this morning!

I never thought a lot about this until I read this article over at Listverse. Strange! But we love strange here, don't we?
JP Morgan Vault

JP Morgan and Chase has a couple of notable, highly-secure repositories. One of them is found five stories below street level in Manhattan, New York and, at over a football field in length, is regarded as the largest gold vault in the world. While the sheer size is impressive, some people are more interested in its proximity to the United States’ Federal Reserve Vault, as the two stockpiles are positioned right across the street from each other. Some conspiracists believe the two super-bunkers are connected by an underground tunnel and somehow JP Morgan and the government are in cahoots to manipulate the US economy.

The location of the bank’s other vault was a mystery until in March 2013 when Zerohedge discovered it was located in London below the firm’s office complex. It just so happens this subsurface bank is also next to a governmental reserve, the Bank of England, and the subway tunnel connecting the two coincidentally (or not if you’re a skeptic) shuts down every weekend.As with any proper safe, both the JP Morgan vaults are capable of surviving a direct nuclear blast.

Call me crazy, but it sure seems like a strange coincidence that these two vaults would be so close to other huge vaults with lots of goodies stored inside! Does it seem strange to anyone else?

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. It's supposed to start some tropical rains here soon, and we don't want to be caught in that...believe me!


  1. As my Dad used to say "That is too much of a co-wink-e-dink" Ah, too bad for us peons! 'Hope your storm passes by quickly. I'll bring some freshly baked apple pie for all.

  2. Looks a lot more like careful planning to me, but I'm just a little bear in the woods.

  3. I wonder if they would let me put my earing's in there? There worth a few hundred. Well at least to me. :) Very interesting indeed.

    Hope your storm doesn't do any damage and just add the rain you all need. Coffee and Apple Pie I'm in.

  4. 'Follow The Money' is how I keep track of what 'our' government is doing (well more 'why' it's doing). Having the vaults right next to each other does not surprise me... maybe they are "too big to fail"?

  5. That sure seems strange to me. But then I also believe the conspiracy theory about them . Don't trust governments one bit. Hope the storm isn't bad but just brings rain. Hot and humid here.

  6. Hey Gorges...
    I'm glad that this made you feel better!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Some apple pie is always in order!

    You just never know with these storms that start in the Gulf. They could go anywhere! We need the rain, though.

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Just one more of those things we aren't supposed to know, I guess!

    Thanks for the visit!

    Hey Jo...
    I don't know if they would even talk to us peons!

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping in this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    Rain we could use, but without the stormy winds!

    I'm getting to the point that nothing surprises me anymore!

    Thanks for the visit today!

  7. So much for the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. That is VERY interesting.
