Saturday, July 27, 2013

That's One UGLY Chicken...!

For some unknown reason, man can't stop messing with Mother Nature! I really think she doesn't like it much!

I find myself waiting for the day Nature decides to haul off and kick our butts! I know that it ain't going to be pretty, folks!

Featherless Chicken And Bird-Flu Resistant Chicken

What you are looking at is man’s cruel joke on nature. In the name of economy and KFC-loving humans, scientists in Israel have created a prototype of a breed of featherless chickens that can save time on plucking, are more environmentally friendly, and in general significantly reduce the cost of raising them. The scientists claimed that featherless chickens are extremely safe because they are created by breeding a regular broiler chicken with a Naked Neck.

Despite the number of benefits featherless chickens will provide, there are some serious drawbacks to consider. Mother Nature wouldn’t give chickens feathers if she thought they were useless. The feathers on the chicken are there to protect chickens from parasites, harsh weather conditions, and overzealous cocks that can hurt the hen’s skin when mating.

In case you haven't been over to yet, you should hop on over and check out some other ways we are messing with Mother Nature!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. I have a box of Raspberry filled Bismarks I'll bring out.


  1. As it says, feathers are there for a reason and I think this is going too far. But then I don't like GMO either especially not when they pick genes from an animal and put it in potatoes like they've done over here.
    They took genes from a fish to make potatoes manage frost better. This is not a potato for eating but to be used when making paper, they use a lot of potato starch when doing that. Still I just thing it's very wrong.

    Have a great day!

  2. Hey Crister...
    Things like this really go beyond what we should be messing with!

    I don't understand why we insist on screwing with nature!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  3. That is one the cruelest things I have ever, ever seen. Chickens need feathers! They protect their skin, helps them keep warm and fans the body when it is hot. This breeding was done for one reason only: Money. The process of de-feathering is eliminated. Imagine those birds crammed in cages pecking at one another - what a horrible, painful short life they have. I'm going to post this over at my blog.

  4. Yes, indeedy, look what messing with the Mother has wrought......more cancer, more intestinal disorders, not to forget ugly chickens.
    Coffee sounds wonderful. I'm still trying to wake up.

  5. Oh that's just wrong. Something that ugly can't be right.

  6. It sure is ugly but it's "natural" if they bred 2 different breeds to get one you don't have to pluck!

    Sad times when I can use the word "natural" as long as it's not a GMO product.

  7. That is just wrong in so many ways! Man will pay for all we do! I'm having tea this morning but would love to join everyone! Thanks for the info and the invite.

  8. Hey Linda...
    I wonder if it realizes it's different?

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    I can't help but feel sorry for them. Sad looking thing!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Sad to say, but we can be our own worst enemies sometimes!

    Still asleep myself this morning!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    I have to agree with you on that one!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Rob...
    I know that all they did was to crossbreed, but something like this is just disturbing to me!

    Thanks for coming over this morning, my friend!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Certainly payback will not be pleasant when it happens!

    Bring your tea on over!

    Glad you came by this morning!

  9. No, it is not nice to fool Mother Nature or to fool with her.

  10. I'd think they'd have to be treated much more gently and kept in a more controled environment to survive.

  11. Hey Dizzy...
    That's true, and yet we just keep on doing it!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Gorges...
    It does seem like they would need some extra protection, doesn't it?

    Thanks for the visit today!

  12. That is just going too far. You are right that one of these days Mother Nature is going to get fed up with us messing with her and really kick our butts. Very cool here today -52 overnight and low sixties today.

  13. Good heavens that is ugly! and yes how can they say it is cost effective when it will cost more to protect them from cold and other nasty bugs.

    Sure enjoyed a good coffee this morning after not having any for 3 days because of early morning travel.

  14. When I buy chicken, it's cut up. A whole naked chicken is way too ugly to eat.
