Sunday, July 28, 2013

Older "Toons For This Sunday...!

I just like the older 'toons better than the newer ones, but you already knew that!

Can't get much earlier than the 40's and the 50's for the good ones. These two characters have all but disappeared, but thanks to the magic of YouTube we can still enjoy them!

All the messages in the older cartoons were simple. It was good against bad, with not a lot of grey! Kinda easy to understand!

Sounds a lot like some of the weather that we are experiencing now, doesn't it?

Might not want to eat at this place, unless you have good insurance! Know what I mean?

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. Raining off and on, so why take a chance?


  1. How would we ever start our Sundays without your 'toons Mr. Hermit?
    Three good ones again! Raining lightly here, too. I'll bring a big batch of crumb buns for all to enjoy!

  2. These are old. Love their accents.

    It seems to be raining everywhere. the sun is starting to come out but don't know for how long. I'll have a quick cup and then off to the store. :(

  3. Hey Phyllis...
    Has sorta become a bit of tradition, hasn't it?

    Glad you enjoyed them and glad you could come by today!

    Hey Jo...
    I'm thinking these are from the 40's, but I could be wrong.

    Hope you get to dry out some and that it doesn't get too hot!

    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

  4. Wonderful way to start the day, I enjoy cartoon Sundays. :)

  5. Hey Felinae...
    I'm sure glad you like the 'toons for Sunday, my friend!

    Many thanks for coming by today. It's been way too long!

  6. Sorry so late dropping in, but enjoyed the Sunday toons...Thank you and hope you had a good day :))
