Monday, July 29, 2013

What The Heck Is This...?

For Monday mystery today, let's look to the stars!

Thanks to the Hubble telescope, we can see things that are so far away it boggles the mind! One thing for sure about outer space, looking at the far reaches raises more questions it answers. Know what I mean?

Simulacrum in Eagle Nebula

One of the strangest photos that has ever been taken of space is that of the Eagle Nebula. The photo itself is supposed to show the birth of a star from the gaseous clouds. However, when the photo was shown on CNN, hundreds of calls came in from people reporting they could see a face in the cloud. When the color of the photo was adjusted, a large human form seemed to appear within the cloud. Scientist have not been able to explain this phenomena . 

I guess that we are so needful to find someone else out there, our minds can be guided to seeing the most improbable of things. What do you think?

Coffee outside this morning. How about some strawberry cream cake on the side?


  1. Cool!

    But I guess this is the same thing as the face that could be seen on Mars, lights are playing tricks with our eyes. Cool just the same :-)

    Have a great day!

  2. Hey Crister...
    My guess is that we will never know.

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  3. Remember when you were kid and you always tried to find shapes in clouds? (I must confess, I've never stopped doing that)! I'll take two slices of that cake!

  4. It took me a while but I finally saw the face. Coffee sounds good but I'll have to pass on the cake.

  5. I told you "They" were out there. Haha Coffee outside with cake sounds good.

  6. Like Chickenmom said, we see shapes of animals, faces, ships, etc., in clouds here on earth, so why would it be strange to see the same things in gas clouds in space? I see faces in wall paper (grin).

  7. Pretty cool and he or she is pointing a finger too saying (get on your way thing and do not disturb)
    Yes I have a vivid imagination. My dad taught us to use our thoughts I guess I get carried away. :)

    Beautiful morning for coffee on the patio.

  8. Sure looks like a warring to backoff to me. I. think I would take heed! Coffe n Stawberry cake sound to good to pass up...thanks for the invite :))

  9. Our minds are built to recognize faces. Wish I could remember the article. Oh well. Great photo at any rate.

  10. Pattern makers, we are, lol! But seriously, do we really want Mel Gibson's "William Wallace" THAT far away?

  11. Hey Phyllis...
    I reckon we could find an image in just about anything, given enough time!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    For some it takes a bit and for others not so long!

    I wonder why that is?

    Thanks for coming over today!

  12. Hey Linda...
    Seems like you were right after all!

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Not as exciting to see faces in the wall paper though.

    That is, unless they start talking to ya!

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Jo...
    You just had to point out about the finger, didn't ya? Now I can't stop seeing it!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming over this morning!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Now that you mention it, it does look like a warning!

    Wonder if he (she) can see us?

    Many thanks for dropping in!

    Hey Sixbears...
    I read that article again last night! All about seeing faces in just about everything! Interesting!

    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey herlanderwalking...
    I guess we could send an invite to move in a little closer, but do we really want to?

    Thanks for the visit today!

  13. Idiots see jesus everywhere.
