Monday, September 23, 2013

The Hermit Mystery For Monday...!

Sometimes the folks that we think we truly know turn out to be someone totally different! I mean really different!

One thing you can say about this old boy is that folks will not forget him for quite some time. I would imagine that he will continue to be the conversation topic for many years to come!

Joseph Newton Chandler III

On July 30, 2002, Joseph Newton Chandler III, an elderly hermit from Eastlake, Ohio, committed suicide with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. An autopsy discovered the presence of colon cancer in his body, which likely motivated his decision to take his own life. When probate courts attempted to work out the man’s estate, they tracked down his surviving relatives. They were shocked to discover that nine-year-old Joseph Newton Chandler III had actually been killed in a car crash in Texas in 1945!

It turned out this unidentified man had been using Chandler’s identity for decades. In 1978, he had requested a copy of Chandler’s birth certificate and used it to apply for a Social Security card. Many theories were formed about who this man really was. Crime buffs began to speculate that “Chandler” might have been the Zodiac Killer since he bore a resemblance to the suspect’s composite sketch. They also noted that “Joseph Chandler” happened to be the name of an investigator who found one of Jack the Ripper’s victims. The man also bore a striking resemblance to Stephen Craig Campbell, a fugitive who had been wanted for attempted murder since 1982 and was never caught. However, there is no conclusive evidence to prove any of these theories, so no one knows the real story behind the man who stole the identity of Joseph Newton Chandler III.

I'd say the old man did a good job at hiding his real identity from everyone. Sad if they didn't find his true family, if he even had one! It's sad that he took his own life, though.

Coffee in the kitchen again this morning. It's nice and cool outside, but it's still a little rainy!


  1. There are too many people in the world and he was one of them.

  2. Hey Sunnybrook...
    Would have been nice to know something real about the man, don't you think?

    I appreciate you coming over today!

  3. Lots of people have fake identities.
    Even politicians! 42 here. I'll bring a big box of cream donuts!

  4. It is surprising that he got away with someone else's identity for that long. And how come Social Security didn't catch the death certificate. Hmmm - government at it's best. 41 degrees here this morning and sunny. Enjoy your day.

  5. 314 million people here in the USA. His only claim to fame is he's a touch more unknown than most, not a "John Doe" (really) but close.

    54° here this morning (IA) & the sun is coming up...
    Had the morning V8, the oatmeal is doing it's thing and the 2nd cup of coffee is ready.

  6. I would imagine that there are a lot of people with secret identities living today, maybe even in the government.

  7. I agree that it's sad. When anyone passes I always think, that there will never be anyone just like that person again. Good or bad each person is unique....and when there gone the world is changed...45 partly cloudy here today. A cozy kitchen and good company sounds nice! And of course one of CM's donuts :)) Have a vood day n thanks for the invite.

  8. At least it was a dead persons identity he stole. Strange mystery today :-)

    Have a great day!

  9. Finally got around to you, Hermit.

    That identity trick is an old one. It's not so easy to do anymore, but I know it was still being done in the 80s.
