Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Start Of 3 Squares A Day...!

Seems to me that the more I learn, the less I really know!

I guess I never thought much about the actual start of the " 3 meals a day" thing. I more or less figured that it was always that way. I love learning new stuff, especially when the topic is eating!

Three Meals A Day

For those of us in the West, our parents and grandparents have pushed three squares on us for so long that many of us assume that consuming breakfast, lunch, and dinner is how it’s always been. In reality, eating three meals a day is a fairly recent practice that only became popular with the advent of the electric lightbulb. Before then, our third meal was virtually nonexistent since it was difficult to prepare food in the dark. In fact, eating a meal after dark became a symbol of wealth, since it meant a person could afford electricity.

In Ancient Greece, it wasn’t uncommon for people to only eat once a day, and the average Medieval European only had two meals. Those who ate twice usually had a light breakfast of only bread and ale while dinner was consumed in the afternoon. If anything was eaten in the evening, it was usually something small that required little to no preparation. Such eating habits carried into colonial times and were common among agrarian people until the early to mid-20th century.

One good thing about being single and retired, I don't eat according to a clock. Instead I eat when I'm hungry. But then I always drink coffee before going to bed if I want. Doesn't seem to bother me or keep me awake!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. I think the rain has stopped for a bit, so let's enjoy it while we can!


  1. Now that you mentioned it Mr. Hermit, you are right! Unless everyone ate around a campfire, people went to bed when it got dark.
    Chilly here at 34 and breezy. Let me borrow your stove again and I'll make french toast for all!

  2. I come from "farming" stock and they always ate their big meal at noon. They went to bed when the sun went down and got up at sunrise. Evening meals were either the snack type or none existent. Chilly here again 43 degrees - so coffee on your patio sounds good. Chickenmom, I would love a piece of french toast.

  3. Another part of my modern life that was adjusted since the regular spread of artificial lights!

    I wonder what 'normal' will look like in 40 years?

  4. Lately I've been eating 2 meals a day.

    Coffee, however, could be had at any time and usually is.

  5. Hey Phyllis...
    It's something I never thought about much, but it makes perfect sense.

    Our little "cold front" didn't last long, so it's back in the 90's again!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Linda...
    I can remember thinking about why folks went to bed so early when I would visit my country cousins as a kid. Now I understand better!

    Many thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Rob...
    I'm sure that there was a lot of adjustments made when the light bulbs became commonplace!

    It does make you wonder what will be the new Normal, doesn't it?

    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    I usually have just one meal and a lot of snacking the rest of the time. I like sandwiches, so that works for me!

    Like you, coffee is readily accepted at all times of the day!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  6. I like to eat at least four times a day. Morning, noon, 17:00, and bedtime. Works for me and my weight never seems to change. I am 5'11" and 168 pounds. Of course before I was married I was a 128 pound weakling. . .

  7. Hey Dizzy...
    Many folks can eat all they want and never gain weight. That's a good thing.

    I should be more selective about what I eat, but sometimes I just can't help it!

    Thanks for coming over today!

  8. dipping into an historical novel some years ago i found reference to breakfast being some new fad. it was said pejoratively. set in the 1800's, i think in england. now we are told it is most important but big breakfasts do not set well with me. dry toast and tea to start then lunch after noon sometime.
    it is said our ancestors ate bits all day long, like snacking. personally speaking, i think they were blessed to have anything much.
    but the farmers in the midwest [the book 'rascal' ] apparently are two breakfasts!!
    deb harvey

  9. dipping into an historical novel some years ago i found reference to breakfast being some new fad. it was said pejoratively. set in the 1800's, i think in england. now we are told it is most important but big breakfasts do not set well with me. dry toast and tea to start then lunch after noon sometime.
    it is said our ancestors ate bits all day long, like snacking. personally speaking, i think they were blessed to have anything much.
    but the farmers in the midwest [the book 'rascal' ] apparently are two breakfasts!!
    deb harvey
