Sunday, November 10, 2013

More "Toons For Sunday...!

Well, it's Sunday again and that means cartoons.

Back in my early days, Saturday was the day for cartoons. I started putting them on Sunday after the suggestion of my late buddy, ol' Ben! Ben used to put the comics on his blog on Sunday...kinda like the old time Sunday comics in the paper, remember? It's been that way ever since!

Maybe I should start putting the regular comics here on Sunday. Almost seems natural to have Comics instead of cartoons on Sunday, ya think?

This next one is just in case you are in need of some good old fashioned insults for you arsenal. They might come in handy at your next family get together!

That should be enough to get the grey matter relaxed for a while, right? Right!

Coffee out on the patio this morning. Let's take a chance on the weather, OK?


  1. Chickens!!! Roosters!!!! Thanks Mr. Hermit!!!

  2. When I was a kid cartoons were on Saturday morning...

  3. Good ones this morning. Thank You!

    I'm ready for some outside time. I even filled the fountain this morning for sitting out on the porch. Taking a day off today to sit and read outside. But for now I'll have some coffee with good friends on the patio.

  4. Hey Phyllis...
    Kinda right up your alley, right?

    Thanks for coming over this morning.

    Hey Rob...
    Same way for me, buddy! That was way back in the olden days!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Certainly seems as though it would be a good day to read a book!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

  5. Toons or comics, either would be a stress free start to the for now would anyone like a pumpkin muffin to go with the cuppa? I'll have one then back to my book i'm reading. Hope all have a good Sunday and thanks for the invite!

  6. I always enjoyed Ben's posts, especially so the Sunday Funnies; it will be like old times if you would put up Sunday comics for us, hermit.
