Monday, November 11, 2013

This Monday Mystery Is For The Birds...!

The most disturbing thing about this mystery is that it's happening all over the world!

Even though the subject matter is saddening, it does make for a Monday mystery worth thing about, don't you think?


Birds have been dropping dead worldwide in recent years, and this is a lot worse than finding your pet canary at the bottom of its cage. In Kentucky, hundreds of sterlings and robins were found on one woman’s property. In Chile, thousands of flamingos, 1,200 penguins and 60 pelicans died over the course of 2 months. Mass bird deaths are happening with alarming frequency in recent years, but one place in particular stands our more than any other: Jatinga, India. Every year in this small village, birds will fly themselves into the ground. There are many mysteries surrounding this case: Why do they do this at all? Why does it affect different types of birds? Why do the birds only do this along a small stretch of the road? Why does it only happen in September? And why do the birds do this after sunset, when they are usually only active in daylight? Many people visit this spot every year to see the phenomenon occur for themselves.

Ya know, there is a lot more stories of mass animal deaths right here if you want to jump over and read it, OK? Some of them will surprise you, I think!

Coffee out on the patio this morning.We better enjoy the sunshine while we can!


  1. Wow. You always come up with interesting stuff. Very glad for the sunshine as I have work to do outside. Gonna have to wait 'til it warms up some, though.

  2. I had heard of some cases of this but didn't know it was this bad wow.. Thank you for the info, and thank you for your service to our country....Happy Veterans Day!

  3. Happy Veterans Day and thank you for your service. How do you find such interesting articles. This is another good one. Yesterday was our one day of sunshine in over a week. So I will be joining you on the patio. We might even get some snow flurries today.

  4. Thank you for your Service to Our Country Mr. Hermit!

    There is so much pollution in the air and water but to be in certain places only is truly a mystery.

    It will be a pleasure to sit with on the patio before my hectic day starts.

  5. Hey Momlady...
    I'm certainly glad that you like the mystery!

    Sun is back out today, but it's still a very pleasant 60!

    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Mamahen...
    To me it seems that this problem is getting a little worse every year. Strange!

    Many thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Linda...
    The sunshine is really nice when it's been gone for a while. As far as the info, I use a lot for research. They always have some good stuff on there!

    Thanks for dropping by this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    Thanks for the good wishes today.

    I guess the mystery of the mass deaths will be around for a while!

    Thanks for coming over, sweetie!

  6. Happy Veterans' Day. One winter we spent a couple of weeks at Galveston State Park and there were a lot of dead sea gulls that washed up on the shore. I guess it happens all over the world. I wonder if it is Nature's way to control populations.?

  7. A couple years ago, we went to our favorite Olympic beach…and yes, we ran across about fifty dead gulls and other seabirds.

    No idea why…and now? Now up and down the West Coast, starfish are dying, literally falling apart in the waters.
