Thursday, July 30, 2015

A Hermit Story For Thursday...!

When I chose the name "Hermitjim", I had a certain type of lifestyle in mind. This old guy has taken that lifestyle one step beyond my vision, I think!

I guess tghat I'm actually more of a Hermit wannnabe than a true hermit, but that's hard to do when living in the big city and taking care of an elderly mother. I reckon that time will tell how everything works out. In the meantime, this fella shows what being a true hermit is all about.

The Naked Hermit Of Sotobanari Island
By Nolan Moore on Wednesday, July 29, 2015

If you were to visit the Japanese island of Sotobanari, you might be surprised to find a naked, 78-year-old hermit. His name is Masami Nagasaki, and while he used to be a photographer, these days he prefers living on his own . . . in the middle of the ocean . . . without any clothes on. Needless to say, this guy has quite an interesting lifestyle.

About 400 kilometers (250 mi) off the coast of Okinawa, there’s a little tropical island that looks like it was ripped out of Lost or Jurassic Park. It’s called Sotobanari (pictured above), a word that translates into “Out Distant Island.” If you were sailing by Sotobanari, you’d probably marvel at the lush vegetation and beautiful beaches, but your jaw might drop when you saw a totally naked, 78-year-old hermit exercising on the beach.

This underdressed islander is named Masami Nagasaki, and he’s lived on Sotobanari for over 20 years. Once upon a time, Nagasaki was a photographer in the entertainment industry, but he eventually grew disillusioned with the job. In addition to putting down his camera, Nagasaki worried about the direction his homeland was heading. Angry at corrupt businessmen and industrial pollution, Nagasaki grew sick of society and decided to abandon Japan for Sotobanari.

However, despite its beauty, Sotobanari isn’t exactly a paradise. There’s no fresh water on the island, and the place is jam-packed with snakes, rats, and ants, not to mention hungry crows that enjoy stealing his food. And then there’s the occasional typhoon that destroys everything in its path. One particularly vicious storm flattened Nagasaki’s shelter and decimated most of the plant life, leaving our disrobed Robinson Crusoe to bake in the sun for quite awhile.

Over time, life has become easier for Nagasaki, although he still walks around in the nude. For shelter, the old man has set up several tents, but he usually sleeps in a small wooden shack he built with a friend. Whenever it rains, he sets out pots to collect water, and he occasionally hunts for giant clams. He’s rigged up a steel wire to act as an FM radio antenna, has fashioned a table out of a polystyrene box, and keeps healthy by gargling saltwater whenever he encounters strangers. According to Nagasaki, his gargling method never fails, and his “body is completely pure.”

So when does Nagasaki encounter people? Well, every so often, a buddy drops by to make sure he’s okay, and fishermen occasionally cruise past. Whenever he spots people nearby, Nagasaki doesn’t really worry about decency. His nudity feels natural, and he considers his birthday suit a sort of “uniform.” Of course, Nagasaki does get dressed whenever he heads to the nearby island of Iriomote. Once a month, he buys rice and water, using an allowance courtesy of an older sister. Whenever he returns to Sotobanari, he keeps the rice in glass bottles so rats won’t spoil his supper.

Sure, life on the island is challenging, but Nagasaki enjoys the peace and quiet. He’d rather “follow the rules of the natural world” than take orders from another human being. In fact, he plans to live out the rest of his life on the island and wants to take his last breath on Sotobanari. “I love this peace more than anything,” he told a Vice reporter. “I may not have any belongings, or enough food or water, but I’d take this peacefulness over them any day.

The hermit lifestyle isn't for everyone, but that's the whole point. If everyone wanted to live a herit type of life, things would get all crowded again...know what I mean?

Coffee on the patio this morning. Some rain may come in and we can watch for it.


  1. I am starting to become more and more of a hermit. Don't think I could ever go as far as this guy as I do enjoy the comforts of life.. But a lot of people and government are something I could do without. I am very tired of city life and living out in the middle of nowhere sounds really good to me. Beautiful morning here; sunny, high 60's, low humidity, perfect summer morning.

  2. Bubba -
    As much as I know you want to get away from the city, please know that you are much loved and appreciated for the sacrifice of that lifestyle that you have made for our mama. You are a very special type of hermit - one whose love and sense of responsibility over rules his own desires.
    Big hugs -

  3. I know how hard it is to put up with the humane race at times...even the ones you love! I visit more ppl through blogs n fb than in person and and I am happy with that...I think if not for my health issues I could live his lifestyle...At any rate i'm glad your not a hermit in the true sense and allow our dailh visits to your patio or kitchen and would like to join your baby sis with anothe big hug:))

  4. I like my privacy too, but to run naked be surranded by snakes and other nasty things no I don't think I can go that far. Your respect for your mom is the best I have seen.

    Patio sounds good, the humidity here is terrible and the rain right now is holding off.

  5. A real life Robinson Crusoe. This man knows what he wants (or doesn't want) and is willing to endure the hardships connected to the life he wants to live. Have to respect a man like that.

  6. Hey Linda...
    Guess that for some of us, the grass will always be greener on the far side of the highway.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    I'm not special, but just doing what has to be done. My day will come in good time, I reckon. Thanks for the kind words and for the visit this morning!

    Hey Mamahen...
    I'll take all the hugs I can get! Never can have enough, that's for sure.
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Jo...
    If I remember right, we first started talking right about when you were taking care of your Dad. Been a while, hasn't it?
    Thanks for the good thoughts and for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Gotta give the old boy credit. He does things his way, for sure!
    Thanks for dropping by today!

  7. You might find that once you get out of the big city you won't need the isolation of a remote island. I've got to hand it to the guy. He's living the way he wants to live.
