Friday, July 31, 2015

Listerine For Freaky Friday...!.

Sometimes some alternate uses for products can be more interesting than the original intended use. Ya WD40?

This one might just surprise you though.A simple product with many uses. Can you say Listerine? This is a multi-use product for sure!


Listerine is a well-known mouthwash brand, but it didn’t begin life as such. Listerine was originally a surgical disinfectant. It was made by the Johnson brothers, who were looking for a way to make surgeries safer and were inspired by English surgeon Sir Joseph Lister. In 1879, they came up with an antiseptic liquid which they called Listerine after Sir Lister. Listerine was advertised and sold as a surgical disinfectant that could also be used to treat wounds, dandruff, athlete’s foot, and even insect bites. In one instance, it was even sold as a deodorant.

The Johnson brothers later teamed up with pharmacist Jordan Wheat Lambert and began selling Listerine to dentists for use as an oral antiseptic. Lambert’s children are responsible for making Listerine into the mouthwash we know today after they asked the company’s chemist to tell them all the things Listerine could be used for. The chemist included bad breath (also called halitosis), and the company began advertising it as such

Now granted some of these early uses may not have been the best choice, you have to admit that someone was sure inventive when coming up with some new ideas for customers.

Coffee out on the patio this morning.


  1. Well that's better than the original use of Lysol. It was designed to be a douche, major YUCK. Sorry, hope I didn't spoil your morning coffee.

  2. That is a good use for Listerine as it has a high alcohol content. As Ladyhawthorne said about Lysol, I agree - major Yuck. I'm glad people still have enough smarts to invent useful products. Unlike the pharmaceutical companies that keep inventing products to cure us that "may cause death" - "If you or a loved one has died please call this number (lawsuit ads for drugs). Have a great weekend.

  3. Thanks, Bubba - I never even associated the name with Joseph Lister - duh!!
    Hubby and I soak our nightguards in Listerine during the daytime. Sanitizes them, and makes a nice pale aqua over time. Better than stinky plastic!
    Big hugs ~

  4. Another use touted for Listerine is using it as a mosquito repellent. I wouldn't recommend that, though, as it tends to be sticky.

  5. Well I never knew all of this before. I know the stuff has been around for ever and had made lots of claims to kill some germs but they had to quit when they were found to not be true.

  6. I dab some on mosquito bites to stop the itch.

  7. I always have a bottle of it around somewhere. Ladyhawthorne mentioned Lysol. One use for Lysol was back in the day when slop jars were in use. Since most homes back then didn't have inside bathrooms, those jars came in real handy on cold winter nights.

  8. It's amazing how many different uses a product can have :))

  9. Hey Lady Hawthorne...
    I didn't have any idea about Lysol. Thanks for sharing that with me. learn something every day!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    After reading all the side effects of some medicines, it's a wonder they are still allowed on the market. Scary!
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Sis...
    I reckon that sometimes we can find our special uses for stuff. Hey...whatever works!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Sticky or not, if it gets rid of 'skeeters I'll try it!
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Jo...
    Always something new going on at the Hermit's house.
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Now that I'll have to try! Sounds handy.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I didn't know that use for Lysol. Another cool fact learned.
    Thanks for stopping by , Dizzy!

    Hey Mamahen...
    Boy, ain't that the truth! Most of them work, too!
    Thanks for the visit!

  10. I will have to try it on bug bites. Makes sense. Learn something new every day (and usually forget it the next, but what can you do?)
