Monday, March 7, 2016

A Medical Miracle For Monday Mystery...!

We often hear horror stories about what goes on in hospitals, so it's a pleasure to do something with a positive side.

It's always sad when someone enters the hospital, but when that person is a child it's even worse. Sometimes the outcome is good...sometimes it isn't. This time it was!

The Miraculous Recovery Of Chucky McGivern

In December 1982, seven-year-old Chucky McGivern was admitted to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and diagnosed with a rare disease called “Reye’s syndrome,” which attacked his brain, liver, and nervous system. Chucky soon went into a coma, and his family was told he only had a 10 percent chance of survival. 

Hoping for a miracle, Chucky’s mother pinned a medal to his bed featuring the likeness of St. John Neumann, a noted religious figure who became the Bishop of Philadelphia during the mid-19th century and was eventually canonized by Pope Paul VI. For whatever reason, the presence of this medal seemed to pave the way for a series of miraculous events.

The medal containing St. John’s likeness had been threaded to a safety pin alongside two other medals. But on numerous occasions when Chucky’s mother returned to the room, she discovered that the medal had been unthreaded and turned face down.

Things got even stranger when a picture of St. John was found taped to the wall. No one from Chucky’s family or the hospital staff admitted to doing these things. An unidentified boy also kept showing up in the ward, entering Chucky’s room, and interacting with his family. Whenever security was called, they couldn’t find this boy. No one ever saw him entering the hospital, either.

Four days after falling into his coma, Chucky suddenly woke up and made a miraculous, unlikely recovery. He described a dream in which he saw this same, mysterious boy standing over him. After Chucky was discharged from the hospital, his family made a trip to the Shrine of St. John Neumann (pictured above) and saw a painting of St. John when he was 12 years old. He looked exactly like the mysterious boy everyone had seen at the hospital

Ya know, if we believed a little more in miracles, just maybe more miraculous things would happen. Just a thought!

Coffee out on the patio again today!


  1. There are lots and lots of things we can't explain - glad this one turned out ok.

  2. I am a real believer in miracles as there is no other explanation for some of the things that have happened to people I know. Glad this little boy recovered.

  3. Bubba -
    Too many things folks consider coincidences could also be called miracles. And there are so many small ones - we shouldn't just wait for the big ones.
    Thanks for this today - good note for me ...
    Big hugs ~

  4. Wonderful article you brought to us today. Having faith is powerful.

  5. Hey Phyllis...
    Right you are about some things being explainable. I'm also happy it turned out OK.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Indeed they do!
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    Sometimes there is no other way to explain it.
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Sis...
    Big or little, they all count the same!
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    Powerful enough to move mountains!
    Thanks for dropping by, sweetie!
