Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Strange Father Of The Real X-Files...!

Sometimes it seems that some folks have an over-active imagination!

Now don't get me wrong. This can be a good thing for creative people, like writers or story tellers. To envision just how imaginative these folks can get can best be explained by this next story.

The Marsh Paper

Charles Hoy Fort spent much of his adult life compiling some of the most bizarre phenomena that he could find records of while taunting the scientific community for their explanations and theories. The Book of the Damned was published in 1919, and in it, he explored phenomena like the marsh paper.

According to his research, a group of workmen in the German city of Memel came across a mysterious mass lying on the frozen, snow-covered ground in 1686. Witnesses claimed that the mass, which was described as a flaky, damp, leafy, black substance that smelled vaguely like seaweed when wet, had fallen from the sky. When it was dried, the bad smell disappeared, and it became more fibrous, reminding them of paper.

The explanation of the day was simply that it was some sort of plant matter that had been picked up in the recent snowstorm and dumped on the ground. The Royal Irish Academy claimed that they even knew what it was—a substance (albeit a rare one) that was known to form on the marshlands under certain circumstances.

Fort was offended by the comparison and the attempt, as he put it, to simply claim the unknown substance is a known one rather than figure out what it was—even if the evidence doesn’t seem to line up. The Memel mystery marsh paper was black and leafy, while the Irish marshland substance was green and felt-like. It clearly wasn’t the same stuff, Fort concluded, in spite of some similarities under certain conditions.

Later, Fort said, it was determined that the now-named “meteor-paper” was mostly of plant origin. He likens the findings to the idea that a peanut and a camel are the same thing, which is an obviously wrong conclusion that he says only happens when you’re just looking at the hump. He goes after the other explanation that it was clearly picked up and deposited by the wind or another storm by pointing out that there were no other mysterious appearances of things like fence posts.

There are also records from 1686 of another mysterious substance, this one described as leaf-life and looking like burned paper, being identified as the black scale from meteorites. Fort didn’t say what he believes about the substance, aside from the fact that it was clearly misidentified. He wondered if there had been any otherworldly writing on the sheets to give further clues as to what it was, if only people had bothered to look.

I can't help but wonder what the guy's blog would read like today. With so much information ouit there to choose from, it would be hard to decide on a topic!

Better have our coffee inside today. Supposed to be getting stormy later.


  1. He would be probably be writing for "Before It's News" - some really wild stuff there!

  2. That is a good one for the X-Files. I loved that show and was happy they made a recent mini-series show . there are a lot of unexplained phenomena out there. I'll bring some fresh baked bread an some sweet cream butter to go with our coffee.

  3. Well he had his ideas didn't he. I'm surprised he wasn't labeled a mad man for his thinking.

    We had a quite a down pour here last night and the temps have dropped. March is going to be an up and down month here. But the kitchen sound great and with Linda's fresh baked bread sweet cream butter sounded like a wonderful memorty from my childhood and my grandmother

  4. Hey Phyllis..;.
    Seems like folks like him can always find an outlet.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    I'm always in the mood for home baked bread and butter. Good stuff!
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Jo...
    You know me...always like the home baked stuff, especially if it's fattening!
    Thanks for dropping by today, sweetie!

  5. Always enjoy stories like that. And yes, I liked the X-files TV show.
