Saturday, May 21, 2016

I Hate Spiders...!

I really do hate spiders...all kinds of spiders! I haven't found one thing to make me think kindly of them at all !

Because I have such a dislike for the creepy things, you can bet I'll never live in this next town ! The folks living there are much braver than I, let me tell ya ! I want no part of it !

A Town Is Taken Over By Tarantulas

Tarantulas are not venomous enough to actually kill a human and they generally don’t attack unprovoked, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not potentially dangerous. A fully grown tarantula’s fangs are large enough that its bite is no laughing matter. Recently, a diving species of tarantula was documented for the first time. This species is called the diving tarantula because of its ability to create air bubbles to breathe underwater. Like other tarantulas, its venom can’t kill you, but it is still strong enough to make you sick. People who are bitten report vomiting.

Normally, tarantulas only swarm together in numbers of about 100, but in 2015, the small town of Maningrada, Australia, dealt with a situation straight out of a horror movie. For some unknown reason, roughly 25,000 diving tarantulas descended upon the town and made it their home. While residents were likely less than thrilled, some scientists believe that the swarm could lead to important breakthroughs.

The fact this particular tarantula’s venom is so strong intrigues scientists, and they wonder about the possible medicinal applications. Also, given that this tarantula had only recently been documented, scientists were thrilled at having so many together in one place to study. The simple fact that so many are together is an intriguing anomaly. They also suggest that over time, it could be a big economic boom, but many residents are likely skeptical of this and wish that their town wasn’t infested by hairy, eight-legged monsters.

Thanks to the folks over at Listverse, I have enough creepy thoughts for about a months worth of nightmares ! You know I appreciate it !

Coffee out on the patio today Supposed to get close to 90.


  1. For some strange reason spiders don't bother me. Actually I don't mind having them around as they do eat the bugs that invade the house and my plants. However, hubby doesn't like them so I must come to his rescue. Haha

  2. Hey Linda...
    I have to admit, that's a good point in their favor. I still don't like 'em, though.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  3. I even play with the tarantulas out west. They are a very docile critter unless pushed. However any spider that surprises me is likely dead.

  4. Hey Barney...
    Yeah, I don't like the surprises either! I have to admit that they are fun to watch.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  5. Tanantulas can be a good thing to have around as they eat scopians, which can really give you some fire pain when stung. But I don't think I would want 25,000 of them crawling around my place. Because of all the rain over the winter we sure had lots of other types of spiders and I have had to spray a few times to get rid of them.

    Your temps and ours are the same for today, but this after noon lots of wind again.

  6. When I was a kid, I used to catch lots of spiders and then catch a fly or two for their meals. Didn't have tarantulas where I grew up.

  7. Hey Jo...
    If I come to visit, you'll have to tell the spiders to take a trip to someplace else. Anywhere else!
    More rain today and still more to come tomorrow! I'm getting pretty soggy!
    Thanks for dropping by today, sweetie!

    Hey Dizzy...
    If I had known, I could have sent you some. We had plenty around!
    Thanks for coming by today!
