Sunday, May 22, 2016

Memories Of Treats From Long Ago...!

When I was a young guy (back in the stone age!) we would sometimes have special treats while watching Saturday cartoons or shows like Zorro, or The Lone Ranger...those kinds of shows.

Now we weren't poor, but I don't think my folks had a lot of extra money either. Homemade treats were as special as store bought, maybe even more so. Most of the time the treats were simple, but boy  howdy did we gobble them down. I'm talking about things like home made yeast bread and rolls Put some butter and honey on them and man ! Good stuff !

Then from time to time, we would have some sugar toast! Butter some bread, sprinkle a little sugar on it and stick it under the broiler for a second! You could add some cinnamon and turn it into cinnamon toast in a heartbeat! Then came the old standby...white Karo syrup with peanut butter, mixed all together and served on toast! Easy to make and very, very tasty! Pretty filling, as I remember.

I remember that Karo syrup was a special thing around our house. Most of the time, we had home made sugar syrup and that was plenty good enough for us !

One thing that I remember very clearly was regular ol' saltine crackers, spread with butter and stuck under the broiler long enough to just melt the butter! I had so many fond memories about this one that I made them not long ago! Somehow it wasn't the same. I don't know if it was because my sisters weren't there to pick on and tease, or maybe the Saturday shows were the missing ingredient !

Well, those days are long gone. Plenty of memories to think back on, though. It's funny how sometimes food can cause a sudden rash of good memories to pop up, isn't it?

Coffee in the kitchen this morning because of the rain. Hey...anyone in the mood for some flour gravy and fresh biscuits?


  1. Yes sir count me in! My grandma would make biscuits and red eye gravy that would bring tears to your eyes. Get some honey butter on one of them biscuits wow! slap some on your forehead and your tongue would beat your brains out trying to get to it! I remember my momma putting the last slices of the bread buttered and put in a paper lunch sack with a spoon of sugar. Shake it up some and you had sugar bread. Sorry, you got me to thinking about good times. Didn't mean to write a book!

  2. We would have saltine crackers, spread with a thin layer of oleo. Then a sprinkle of sugar on top of that! Delicious! And so are the memories - thanks, Mr. Hermit!

  3. One of my big treats was rhubarb. I'd eat it raw with sugar sprinkled on it. Another was home made lollipops. Didn't get those very often but it was a special treat when I did "earn" one.

  4. I do remember the toast with cinnamon and a little sugar, or peanut butter and banana slices. We didn't get to much sugar stuff.

    More rain for you and more wind for us.

  5. Hey Gorges...
    Guess we all have some food memories.
    Thanks for stopping by today

    Hey Rat...
    Kinda makes my mouth water just thinking about those snacks.
    Thanks for sharing your memories with us, my friend!
    I appreciate you coming over today!

    Hey Phyllis...
    Crackers were a multi-purpose food, I reckon . Seems like we always had some around!
    Hey, thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    Never had any rhubarb, but the snack sounds good anyway!Not getting them often probably is what made them special!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Now days, some of these snacks would cost a small fortune. Back then they were cheap!
    Thanks for dropping by today, sweetie!

  6. Make mine sausage gravy on biscuits. Yum, Yum.

  7. Hey Dizzy...
    Sausage gravy sounds like a plan to me!
    Thanks for coming over today!
