Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Consider The Lowly Banana...!

The banana is considered the most devoured fruit in the world, which is not surprising to me.

One of the first pieces of fruit given to a child, it seems to be a favorite of people all over the world. When you read this article from Listverse, you may find out some little known facts about this wonderful snack.


It seems like bananas were practically designed for us primates: They’re soft, seedless, tailor-made for the grip of our hand, and even come with a tab for easy opening. In reality, wild-type bananas are mostly inedible, and the plantains we eat today are completely different after genetic modifications. Wild-type bananas, which are tiny, tough, and filled with pit-like seeds, sometimes produce mutant variants without seeds.

Humans have been playing with this specific mutation for at least 6,500 years to produce all the varieties of seedless bananas available today. The banana’s design might even be too popular at this point; today’s mass-produced bananas are considered too genetically uniform, making them susceptible to diseases. Looks like we have some more work to do.

Personally I like bananas, especially in something like Banana Pudding. There's something about the flavor of a banana that is very satisfying to me. I really like the Banana Pudding Ice Cream by Blue Bell!

Coffee out on the patio this morning, if we can beat the rain!


  1. Interesting facts about the banana. It is my all time favorite "fruit" to eat. Banana Pudding, banana cream pie, bananas slices on my cereal, you name it I'll eat it.

  2. Hey Linda...
    I hear ya on all the banana dishes. I like 'em all as well.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. Who doesn't like bananas? I don't eat to many and lately I haven't even been buying them. I don't know why. hmmm going to have to remember to pick some up.

    I join you on the patio.

  4. I love bananas but only if they are on the green side. Can't stand them when they get really ripe.

  5. I can't believe they are cheap as they are considering how far them come.

  6. Genetic modifications? Genes were not successfully modified in the laboratory until 1973

    I suspect the author is confusing selective breeding (pollinating this particular plant with that particular plant) looking for the best in both of them (it's done with animal too), as it's been done for thousands of years.

    I know I was eating bananas long before 1973....

    I saw a show on TV where they were going to hide a nuke in a truckload of bananas because bananas are naturally radioactive... I just looked it up, they are mildly so. I guess the show's writers were using their "artistic licence" just like the author of the banana article was.

    No matter, I ate one this morning! That was before I went out the patio for my coffee..

  7. Hey Jo...
    Seems like most folks like 'em. I sure do!
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I like mine just past the green stage.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    they don't seem to fluctuate more than a couple of pennies either way. Strange!
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Rob...
    I suspect you're right about that. Selective breeding has been around for a mlong time.
    Thanks for the visit today!
