Monday, August 22, 2016

Rack Man For Monday Mystery...!

I have something a little different for ya today. Something wet!

This one is sort of strange because of no one being able identify the body.

Rack Man

Photo credit: Adam J.W.C.

On August 11, 1994, fisherman Mark Peterson set out on his boat and moved slowly up the Hawkesbury River just north of Sydney. It was a lovely day, and Mark became excited he felt a heavy tug on his fishing net. It was sure to be a good haul of fish. But when he drew his net from the water, it contained a heavy piece of steel fashioned into a crucifix. Tied to it was the remains of a human body.

Shocked, Peterson immediately called the police, who examined the remains and confirmed they were human. A forensic pathologist noted that the remains were of a male between 21 and 41 and that the bones were anatomically arranged on the crucifix. The victim’s entire body and head was wrapped in plastic. In addition to the plastic, there was wire wrapped around the head and torso.

The man has yet to be identified, partly because his fingerprints had literally been eroded by the water. He was given the nickname Rack Man. Police are still working on several leads, including one from the public that stated that Rack Man may be Joe Biviano, a drug dealer who had gone missing from Drummoyne in 1993. They are still hoping to match the DNA.

The remains of Rack Man are still lying in the morgue.

I wonder just how many dead bodies have been discovered by fishermen over the years? Evidently quite a few. Hope I never catch one!

Coffee out on the patio again today!


  1. Oh! It is very strange to hear the news.

  2. The sea holds many secrets. Weird they can't find a relative for a DNA match.

  3. That is just too weird. I think I would have had an "episode" if I pulled in something like that.

  4. It's sad a creepy, no DNA match in all these years. I guess he wasn't missed much.

    Hope you have some better weather soon. Sounds pretty bad out your way

  5. Just about every year here in NH bodies are discovered at the start of hunting season. Often they are dumped after getting whacked in the cities. It's more of a problem in the southern part of the state as it's closer to Boston.

  6. Hey Jane...
    It is a little disturbing, for sure!
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Phyllis...
    It would have been an uncomfortable catch, for sure!
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Jo...
    I reckon you're right about that, sweetie.
    Thanks for dropping by today!

    Hey Sixbears...
    Just as long as they keep them out of your yard and lake!
    Thanks, my friend, for coming over today!

  7. I have enough trouble just trying to catch a fish let alone a human body. . .

  8. Hey Dizzy...
    I know just what you mean, buddy! Me too.
    Thanks for the visit today!
