Monday, January 16, 2017

Monday Mysteries On YouTube Video...!

For today's mysteries, let's do it a little differently. Just a small change of pace, OK?

Instewad of having to read all about a single mystery, I'm gonna show you a video that has a number of unsoled mysteries on it. See how I'm watching out for you?

I realize that this is a little longer than my regular post, I was thinking that something a little different might be welcome, ya know?

Coffee inside again this morning. I have some fresh gingerbread I'll share!


  1. Very interesting mysteries. Thanks for sharing. "Raining" ice here today.

  2. Loved this post! What a great idea you had. Thank You.

    Cold and damp here, sun trying to burn through the clouds, temps once again in the 50s for the high. See you in the kitchen

  3. Hey Linda...
    Some of them I've done before, but never as a group.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Sure was a good way to present everything all together.
    Thanks for dropping in, sweetie!
