Sunday, January 15, 2017

Some Silly Sunday Stuff...!

I found these animated short films for kids over on YouTube and thought I'd share them with you .

Even though we aren't kids any more, doesn't hurt to act like it no and then, right?

And one more...

Now those were interesting, wouldn't you say? Little more entertaining than the same ol' cartoons we have today!

Coffee inside thisw morning. It's supposed to rain today.


  1. Loved 'em Mr. Hermit! Just imagine if we had cartoons like that when we were kids!

  2. These were something very different. Wonder why I have never seen these? Maybe if they showed more like this today the kids wouldn't be so crazy.

    We had rain all night here coffee in the kitchen sound fine

  3. Hey Phyllis...
    Kinda had a message, didn't they? Pretty unusual, that's for sure!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    Different is a good thing, right?
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping in today!
