Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Deadly Hot Peppers...!

I now many folks that can gobble down jalapenos and other peppers like they were candy. I, however, can't.

Here is a case where someone decided, for a challenge, to put that hotness to the test. I can only imagine what the man went through and I don't want to go through it myself. Like they say I wouldn't do that on a dare!

Death From Peppers

Ghost peppers are one of the hottest in the world, so hot that they can be used to make grenades and even guns that cause temporary blindness. They are off the charts on the hotness scale, zeroing in on over one million Scoville heat units. And yet, we still can’t help but eat them.

In 2016, one man from California learned the hard way why this pepper was named the way it was. Challenged to a contest, he was able to devour a hamburger topped with a ghost pepper puree. (Keep in mind that a single seed can cause a horrific burning sensation that lasts up to a whopping half hour).

After drinking six glasses of water, the man couldn’t stop vomiting and was rushed to the emergency room with severe chest and stomach pain. All that retching resulted in a collapsed lung and a 2.5-centimeter (1-in) hole torn in his esophagus.

Death from a pepper isn’t very heroic, but a torn esophagus is downright gruesome. Without treatment, death from infection is a certain outcome. Fortunately, the man was hospitalized for 23 days and sent home with a gastric tube. It’s safe to assume that he’ll keep a wide berth around peppers from now on.

Wonder how long it will take him to chow down on something hot again? I would hope he learned his lesson, but knowing how people are I'd be willing to bet it won't be long.

Coffee out on the patio again this morning.


  1. I have learned in my advancing years not to eat "hot" food anymore. I can still take a little heat but only with vast quantities of ice water. Hot food really doesn't agree with with me and I have no desire to go thru what that fellow did just for a "bet". Down right stupid if you ask em. Suns out again today with Spring like temps. I'll bring some chocolate chip cookies for everyone.

  2. I stay away from the hot stuff. Gastritis. Never cared for it anyway. Don't care for really spicy stuff either. Guess I'm just a bore when it comes to food. Plain and simple ..that's me. Sun has finally decided to show its face and temps are going up again. Glad for the sun. I think we're catching up from the drought last year. Yum for the chocolate chip cookies. Thanks Linda.

  3. Hey Linda...
    You know that I'm a sucker for cookies, especially homemade! I have given up on eating most hot foods, especially peppers like the ghost. Nothing stronger than tabasco now.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Nothing wrong with plain and simple when it comes to food! I'm glad that you are finally getting a little sun, and the warmer temps that it brings.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  4. I really like the hot stuff like hot chocolate, hot tea, but a bell pepper is my upper scoville limit.

  5. You know what they say you just can't fix stupid. I'm not into super spicy anything. I think over hot and spicy just takes away the taste of what might be very good food.

    Patio is always good for me and your coffee, now Linda has cookies!
    And my camping trip to Madera Canyon is off for sure now that some fool started a fire.

  6. Hey Barney...
    I like your list of favorite hot things, but would rather have hot coffee instead of tea.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Jo...
    I have to agree with you on the hot peppers taking away from the taste of food. At least Tabasco does have a little flavor to it.Yeah, how can you beat coffee and fresh cookies?
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by this morning!

  7. The older I get the more I dislike HOT, HOT food. I once took some stuffed jalapenos to a church dinner thinking nobody around here would even eat them. One lady ate so many she visited the er that very night. She did ask me to bring them again promising she would limit her intake! Thanks for another interesting blog. Love you.v

  8. Hey Sis...
    I have noticed the same thing about changing taste as we get older. Seems like many folks are like that lady and have a tendency to overdo a little.
    Thanks for the visit today, B!

  9. A friend of mine raised them one time. No way would I even taste one, but he did. I can not stand hot peppers but do like horse radish.
