Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Native American Legends Of Giants...

For this post on Western Wednesday, something a bit different...Indian legends of giants.

Not only one nation or tribe, or even one area, but different locations. The only thing that seems to be the same is that all these stories involve what can only be described as giants!

Native American Legends Of White Giants

Photo credit:

In 1857, a Native American of the Comanche tribe stood in front of a crowd and told them a story. “Innumerable moons ago, a race of white men, [305 centimeters (10′) high], and far more rich and powerful than any white people now living here, inhabited a large range of country,” he said. “They drove the Indians from their homes, putting them to the sword, and occupying the valleys in which their fathers had dwelt.”

It seemed like a parable of what was happening now. But all that changed when what appeared to be a Greek medallion and two coins was found in Oklahoma. After that, genealogist Donald Yates started piecing together the evidence and realized that this wasn’t an isolated story.
The Choctaws also had a story about “a race of giants” with white skin who lived in what is now the state of Tennessee—and other tribes had some stories that were oddly similar. The Greek writer Strabo wrote about a “Western Continent,” suggesting that he might have had some knowledge of the Americas.

Yates believes that these native stories might not be entirely made up. Greek explorers may have actually made it to the Americas and fought with the people there, leaving behind a legacy that grew bigger every time the story was told.

Call me crazy, but this is one legend that I believe has some truth in it. For the stories to come from so many different areas, how could it not?

Coffee out on the patio again today. Won't be long until the 'skeeters start showing up, I reckon!


  1. The older I get the more "credence" I have to give to these legends. Too many things are unexplainable and the more you think about it the more "why not" comes to mind. There is a lot to be said for these ancient legends. It's like ghosts - just because you haven't seen one doesn't mean they don't exist. Sunny this morning, but rain expected later today and the rest of the week. Wondering if we'll ever dry out. Skeeters will be a bumper crop this year.

  2. I believe it's possible. We're supposed to get more rain this week.

  3. much like bigfoot, yeti, abominable snowman. same legend, every continent. Occam's razor would suggest it must be true. after the things i've seen, i can no longer put credence in any science nor history book. science isn't "settled", not by a long shot.

  4. i have seen photos of newspaper stories from the 1800's in which were reported findings of very tall people with double sets of teeth.
    also translations of spanish explorers' reports of seeing some of them, who were ruling over tribes of normal sized people somewhere in the east of our nation.

  5. Just never know what was before the history we know about know. Lots of strange things pop up all the time.

    Skeeters already here, nasty things biting me like crazy. I'll bring my spray

  6. Hey Linda...
    They say that there is a kernel of truth in all legends. I tend to agree. How else to explain the fact that the same one appears in so many locations and tribes.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I'm with you on believing anything is possible. Sorry more rain is heading your way, though.
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Riverrider...
    I would have to agree with that thinking. Always something new to discover and study!
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Deborah...
    I'm sure that many finds like that are still being made today, only kept quiet. Probably for our own protection, ya know?
    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Jo...
    So many stories from our past can't be backed with hard evidence, so folks say they must have never happened. Wrong, I'm afraid!
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

  7. Archeologists have uncovered remains of giants. Of course, I know a fellow who is over seven feet tall and he said he was the runt of the litter. All his brothers are taller than he is.

  8. Hey Dizzy...
    No doubt that giants roamed around this ol' world at some point. At least, in my mind. Bet your friend and his siblings have a hard time buying clothes to fit, ya reckon!
    Thanks for the visit today!

  9. There is (or was) a series on t.v. about finding proof of the existence of giants at some past era. I think it was filmed in North America. I am going to see if I can find it and watch it. Choctaw is our Native American heritage.
