Tuesday, May 30, 2017

One More Pink Critter...!

Last week I did a post about a pink moth, so I figured that another post was needed for the champion of all of Mother Nature's pink critters. This one really takes the cake.

Female Orchid Praying Mantis

Like many insect species, the male and female orchid praying mantises of Southeast Asia have evolved to look very different from each other. The male is small and brown while the female mimics the visual appearance of the orchid flowers around which they live. This camouflage allows the females to attract insects as prey and allows the males to avoid detection while they look for a mate.

The result of this species’ evolution is a truly extraordinary female specimen. Female orchid mantises have perfected the art of masquerade. Their limbs are shaped like petals and sport spectacular pink and yellow hues. With bodies that look like fully formed orchids, they are easily mistaken for the real thing and can actually be better at attracting insects than the flowers they mimic. This is despite the fact that orchid mantis females do not mimic any particular species of orchid, but rather a generic combination of orchid-like features.

Seems to me that the females of the species are pretty far ahead in the game as far as looks go, but isn't that the case in most of the natural world?

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. Some more big storms are expected off and on all week.


  1. WOW! looks great! I have not seen them before:)

  2. What a gorgeous creature!! Sounds like a typical female to me. We have storms on and off all week also. That poor "pond" in my back yard just isn't getting a chance to dry up.

  3. Sometimes females just blend in, don't they? Loverly.

  4. The world is full of wonders.

  5. Hey WW...
    With that disguise, how would you even know? Very hard to spot, I reckon!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    That standing water is sure to be a breeding ground for 'skeeters, right? This clay soil around here soaks it up fairly quick, luckily.
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    They sure do! They are very pretty to look at, if you can even see them!
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Sixbears...
    That it is , my friend...that it is!
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  6. What a beauty, the only parts I can pick out are the front legs or grabbers as they have the feather fringe. Gorgeous.

    We just have cloudy and sunny with high 90's this week. See you in the kitchen my friend

  7. what a beautiful creature "bug" or not. Just glad it is not a people flesh eater! So many times in nature the male is easier on the eyes than the female I'm glad we ladies are getting a turn. I guess Mother Nature knows most females are confident in their own skins.

  8. Hey Jo...
    I'd say that the disguise is working pretty good, wouldn't you?
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping by today!

    Hey B...
    Right you are that she is very easy to look at. Blends right in with that color.
    Thanks, Sis, for coming over today!
