Monday, May 29, 2017

Placebo Or Real...?

Ever get the feeling that some medicine just isn't working the correct way? About one that does everything it's supposed to, but then you are told the working one is a placebo.Would it matter to you...?

Placebo Effect

The placebo effect is when a person takes something they believe is medicine for an ailment they are suffering (which is not really a medicine), and they get better. A placebo is an inert substance, and when taken (with the advice from others that it will cure them) makes the person get better, simply because they were expecting or believed that it would work. Something similar, called the nocebo effect, is when a person takes fake drugs and thinks they are experiencing problems that would have been caused by the real drugs. They have been known to reduce pain as well. Why they occur is mysterious and they are only one of the many complicated things related to the body-brain connection. In fact, our own bodies hold many unsolved mysteries.

One thing about it, real or not youplacebo effect can bet that they cost a whole lot less that the real thing. Of course, that means that the drug companies make a lot less money, unless the folks at big pharma sneakily sold us the fakes as the real thing. They wouldn't do that, would they?

Coffee out on the slightly damp patio this morning!


  1. The mind is a powerful thing. I know someone who can reduce pain just by telling himself the pain doesn't exist. Happy Memorial Day and thank you for your service.

  2. Yup, the mind can do powerful stuff. Just wish it would help with my elbow. Getting older definitely isn't for sissies. Have a peaceful Memorial Day. I am remembering those who have given their all and wishing more didn't have to.

  3. Thank you for your Service my Friend. Wishing you a relaxed and peaceful day.

    Sometimes Dr. prescribe these to Hypochondriacs who think there is something wrong with them all the time. But would the drug companies do that, Oh I think so.

    Nice morning for a sit out and some coffee.

  4. Hey Linda...
    Now that could be a powerful tool to have. I'm sure many of us have a little bit of that sort of control, probably not to the extent that he does, though.
    Many thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Now that's a thought I can get behind. The mind is indeed a powerful and wonderful thing. Helping with the aches and pains of old age doesn't seem like it should be too much to ask, right?
    Have a great day and thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Jo...
    Thanks for the kind words, sweetie. Some placebos can do amazing things, for sure.
    Special thanks to you, girl, for dropping by today!

  5. I don't think I would care as long as it worked for me. What I do mind is when I am prescribed a high dollar med that doesn't work I once told a doctor that I take Doan's pills for my chronic backache. He said he had never heard of that but looked it up.He then proceeded to tell me that Doan's is only magnesium salicylate. My answer was "I don't care what it is as long as it works". I remember you once telling me that you didn't feel that you should receive any benefits because you had never seen combat. You served and those in combat couldn't have done their jobs without the thousands of members like you doing those behind the scene duties. Thanks, Bubba. I'll bet your readers don't know about you receiving The American Spirit of Honor award. The Air Force didn't hand those out to everyone !!!

  6. Hey B...
    Right you are about the most important thing being that it works. Sometimes I think that the side effects of many drugs we take could do us more harm than the drugs can do harm, ya know?
    Hey...I'm sure glad that the V.A. watches out for me, especially after this past weekend.
    Thanks for stopping by today, Sis!
