Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Texas Rangers Hire A Killer...!

Truth be told, things like this probably happened more often than we would have thought.

I'm sure the line between good guy and bad was pretty thin, even in the best of times. There were a few that managed to cross that thin line with near impunity, however. That was the case with Jim Miller, an assassin living in Texas.

Hired killer Jim Miller joins Texas Rangers

The hired assassin Jim Miller briefly joins the Texas Rangers, demonstrating how thin the line between outlaw and lawmen often was in the West.

Many lawmen in the Old West had never been on the wrong side of the law themselves, but more than a few moved easily between the worlds of lawbreaker and law enforcer. James Brown Miller was one of the latter. During his 47 years, Miller worked as a deputy sheriff, a city marshal, and Texas Ranger. He was also a gambler, a swindler, and one of the deadliest professional killers in Texas.

As a young man, Miller was accused of committing several murders-including the double killing of his own grandparents-but the charges never stuck. By age 27, he was living in Alpine, Texas, where he reportedly offered to kill a local judge for $200. That offer was apparently rejected, but thereafter he became a professional killer, charging between $50 to $2,000, depending on the victim and the client’s ability to pay. By his own account, he committed more than 50 murders.

Although Miller was arrested on several occasions, he proved hard to convict. The wealthier clients who hired him often provided expert legal counsel, and he was a careful killer who took pains to cover his tracks. Law enforcement agencies also found men like Miller useful, and they often were willing to overlook his checkered past if they needed help in capturing or killing a dangerous outlaw. The famous Texas Rangers even hired Miller, temporarily appointing him a Special Ranger on this day in 1898.

Miller’s luck eventually ran out. In 1909, two Ada, Oklahoma, ranchers paid Miller $2,000 to kill August Bobbitt, with the promise of an additional $3,000 to pay for his defense in the event Miller was arrested. Miller killed Bobbitt with a shotgun, his favored weapon for assassinations. This time, however, Miller’s victim was a well-liked man who left a widow with four children. Local citizens were outraged by the cold-blooded murder and demanded action. Miller and his two clients were quickly arrested and jailed, but none of them had a chance to mount a legal defense. A mob of Ada vigilantes stormed the jail, extracted the men, and lynched them in a nearby barn. Miller was 47 years old.

Now, the Texas Rangers were a bunch of rough and ready guys, so if they felt the need to hire someone with Millers reputation, they must have been after some mean hombres for sure! Guess that's why they called it the Wild West.

Coffee inside again, where it's cool and dry.


  1. I am not very familiar with the Texas Rangers (other than watching the TV show Walker, Texas Ranger). It was called the Wild West for a reason as there was a lot of "lawless" people living there. So maybe they needed someone like him. Don't know but it sure was interesting reading about him

  2. Don't remember reading about him when reading up on the Texas Rangers but I forget lots of things anymore.

    But I always remember coffee with you my friend.

  3. Hey Linda...
    Guess it took all kinds to help tame the "Wild West". Too bad it didn't end well for him.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Jo...
    The Rangers had quite a history, so I reckon leaving someone out was unavoidable. Could be they just wanted to forget it, though.
    Thanks, sweetie, for dropping over today!

  4. Back in "the old Wild West" there was a very thin line between lawman and outlaw. Hoping that line has thickened over time, but sometimes I wonder.

  5. Hey Dizzy...
    Yeah, I know what you mean. Seems too easy now days to cross the line for sure.
    Thanks for coming over today!
