Thursday, August 24, 2017

Watch Out For The Nutmeg...!

Here's a little bit of information I picked up while doing some research. It just may surprise you.

This is a spice that many of us use in our cooking, especially around the holidays. Adds just a touch of the exotic to whatever we add it to. I don't remember when I last used it, but I'm sure I have.

Scary Spice

Weird Fact: Nutmeg is poisonous

Nutmeg is a hallucinigenic drug which is regularly used to flavor such lovely things as custard tarts and fruit cakes. It is also a poison which will kill you while you suffer a variety of extremely revolting (and one or two not-so-revolting) side-effects on the way. Ingesting 2 grams of nutmeg will give you similar feelings to having taken amphetamines (the not-so-revolting side-effect) but will also cause nausea, fever, and headaches. Ingesting 7.5 grams will cause convulsions, and eating 10 grams will cause hallucinations. Eating a whole nutmeg can lead to “nutmeg psychosis” which includes feelings of impending doom, confusion, and agitation. There have been two recorded cases of death by nutmeg (one in 1908 and one in 2001)

Now I do hope none of my readers are going to rush right out and buy some nutmeg to try out the effects they say it can produce. Probably best just to leave this one spice alone, just in case.

Coffee inside this morning. They say we have a really bad storm headed our way.


  1. So that's where the visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads came from. The Eggnog was laced with Nutmeg!

  2. I have used nutmeg in cooking/baking but never in large quantities. Don't think I need to ingest it to get some of those weird side effects tho. haha I can get confused quite well on my own.

  3. I don't use enough to have those effects but it's good to know about them. Would love to share this on Facebook but don't know how.

  4. I sure didn't know that but I don't use much unless having eggnog and most times don't remember to use it or I have thrown it out due to its age.

    I had the weather on last night and I saw about that storm. I know you'll be prepared.

  5. Hey Tim...
    That could explain so much, I reckon.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    Getting confused about things seems to go with the territory at my age. I don't need nutmeg to help in that regard.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    I don't do Facebook, so I can't help in that regard.
    Does seem like it would be a lot of nutmeg for a recipe or even two, doesn't it?
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Jo...
    Yep, it could get nasty here pretty quickly. We will have to keep an eye on this one for sure. You know me...always prepared!
    Thanks for dropping by today, sweetie.

  6. I never knew this about nutmeg.I bake a lot so I use nutmeg frequently but only in very small amounts. Too much nutmeg will very quickly ruin even the best of recipes. Interesting information, Bubba. Thanks. I love you.

  7. Hey B...
    Just a little goes a long way, I reckon. At least that's what I hear.
    If you hurry, you could come down this way for the first big blow in a long while. We may get the edge of the storm here in the Houston area. You just never know where these storms are going to end up.
    Thanks for coming over today, Sis.

  8. It's said that those who consume enough to get high rarely want to repeat the process.

  9. Nutmeg, yes, I have had it in my eggnog years ago. Didn't know any of that about it. Thanks for informing us.
