Sunday, February 18, 2018

Modern Benjamin Buttons...

Sometimes nature can play dirty tricks on the most innocent of all, the children. Born with deformities or conditions beyond their control, they do the best they can to overcome their problems and make the best of the lives they have...

Bayezid Hossain
Real-Life Benjamin Button

Photo credit:

Bayezid Hossain was born in Magura in 2012 with progeria, an extremely rare condition. Progeria is known for its characteristic aging of the body at up to eight times the normal rate. As a result, six-year-old Bayezid lives inside the body of a 70-year-old person.

His hollow eyes and sagging skin scare other children, and his aching joints and weakened body will not allow him to physically participate in school activities. Due to his increased brain activity, however, he has above-average intelligence for his age. This constantly impresses his mother and teachers.

It is predicted that Bayezid will not live past his teenage years because progeria patients are known to die of heart attacks around an average age of 13. While it breaks his mother’s heart that she will not have her son for as many years as she had expected, she is constantly amazed by his intelligence and determination to enjoy life like a normal child.

Bonus Fact: Progeria is the condition which inspired F. Scott Fitzgerald to write his short story, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” which has also been made into a movie starring Brad Pitt. In the story, the protagonist is born as an old man and ages backward.

Sad to know that so many young people are stricken with this kind of sickness, or any kind for that matter. But no one ever said that life was fair, I reckon. This article came from Listverse.

Coffee out on the patio this morning. Some sunshine and temps in the high 70s.


  1. I have heard of this infliction. It certainly is very sad. I can't imagine the pain the parents must feel.

  2. Hey Mamahen...
    It is indeed sad for everyone involved.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. It is oh so sad when terrible disease or accidents happen to children. Talk about a lost youth. . .

  4. Hey Dizzy...
    Anytime children are stricken with an affliction or disease, it's a sad thing.
    Thanks for coming over today.
