Saturday, February 17, 2018

Spooky Saturday Tale...!

Here is a story from the folks over at The Lineup that is strange, to say the least.

Bumps in the Night

One night a man was dozing in the spare bed in his infant daughter’s room when he heard a strange bump outside his house. Initially the man thought nothing of it, believing it to be the family cat. But the thumps continued. The man checked the porch but the cat was nowhere to be found. He then walked into the kitchen and found two figures loitering outside his front door. They knocked on the door. Both were boys, around 10 or 11, and gave off a pungent, moldy odor. “May we use your telegraph?” one of the boys said, looking up at the man. To his horror, the man realized both boys had eyes that were completely black. Ignoring the odd remark about a “telegraph,” the man told the boy he didn’t have service in his house, and shut the door. As the man slowly made his way back to his daughter’s room, the two boys thumped on the walls. The man clutched his daughter to his chest as the boys incessantly knocked against the window. Their eerie eyes and awful persistence made the man too scared to fall asleep. He remained crouched on the floor of the room for several hours, fighting to ignore the knocks that occurred every couple of minutes. The moment his wife’s alarm clock went off, however, the knocking ceased, and the black-eyed children were nowhere to be seen.

Good story for those cold and rainy nights, when you are all alone in the house...right?

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. Rain is back again.


  1. Oh my...I wish I bad waited until daylight to read this lol.

  2. Hey Mamahen...
    Long time, no see! Yeah. it isn't exactly a fun read in the dark and gloomy night.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    1. It has been too long! I have continued to follow your post, I just haven't been able to comment with my last phone. Thankfully, my new smartphone seems to be "smarter" than my last one. Glad to be back. I'll bring some fresh backed cinnamon rolls to share in celebration:))

  3. There's a place for the ghost folks to visit.

    It stopped raining here during the night after a good 3 day soak but they say more is on the way. So Kitchen with friends is fine

  4. Hey Jo...
    I won't visit by myself! Cases like this, you need company.
    Thanks for dropping in today!

  5. When I hear bumps in the night it is usually possums or coons under the house.
