Monday, March 26, 2018

Mysterious Grave Of Nancy Barnett...!

A mystery can pop up in the strangest of places at times. This story is about the grave of one Nancy Barnett, but not so much about her unusual grave, but the fact that she wasn't alone in it!

The Grave in the Middle of the Road

photo Credit: Keith in Alaska

County Road 400 in Indiana has long taken an odd detour around the grave of Nancy Barnett, whose relatives didn't want her grave disturbed when the county decided to put the road through the area surrounding her burial plot.

After a tense standoff, the county ultimately split the road, with a lane running on either side of her grave. What became a tourist landmark recently took on a more mysterious quality, however, when archaeologists exhumed the grave and found the remains of at least six other people—a total of two women, one of whom was presumably Nancy Barnett, a man, and four children—whose origins and identities remain unknown.

Now, I don't know just what was going on with Nancy's grave, but it is strange that the family didn't want to have the grave moved. Do you think it was because of the extra visitors in her grave...and how did they get there? Many questions on this little mysterious gravesite, don't you think?

Coffee out on the patio again this morning. OK with you?


  1. I cannot wait to hear the answer to this mystery.

  2. find the most interesting stories!!!

  3. That does sound a little suspicious to me. Usually the family gives consent to the move unless they knew something and were trying to hide it. Make you wonder.

  4. Hey P.P...
    As soon as I can find out I will pass it on, OK?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Mamahen...
    I try, I try. Glad you find them interesting.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    I totally agree with you. The whole ting is a bit off!
    Thanks for the visit today!

  5. I'm with Linda on this one. I guess it wasn't a well tended place and they just kept digging it up and added more members as they passed.

    Patio time sounds wonderful

  6. Hey Jo...
    From the pictures, it seems to be well tended, but you just never know.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

  7. It would be a shame to let a perfectly good grave to waste.

  8. Hey Sixbears...
    No need to be stingy, I reckon.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Rob...
    Many thanks for that.
    Thanks also for stopping by today!
