Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Mysterious Guardian ...!

Sometimes help can come from mysterious places, such as in this story from the pages of Listverse.

True this story is a bit creepy, but in a good way. I think you'll agree after you read it, but I'll let you be the judge.

The Guardian

Photo credit: The Salt Lake Tribune

Responding to a tip from a local fisherman, two Utah police officers discovered an overturned car in the frigid waters of a river outside the town of Spanish Fork. Suddenly, they were shocked to hear a voice—faint but unmistakable—coming from the car. “Help me,” it called.

And indeed, they did find someone alive in the vehicle—an 18-month-old girl who most certainly had not called for help. Her young mother, whom police later determined had simply run off the road for no apparent reason, was dead in the front seat. Certainly, she had not called for help, either. So who did?

The voice “wasn’t just in our heads . . . it was plain as day. I remember hearing a voice that didn’t sound like a child, just saying ‘help me,’ ” explained one of the officers. Despite hanging upside down for 14 hours in the bitter cold with no food or water, the child survived—thanks largely to her mysterious guardian.

No matter who or what the police officers heard, it worked out for the young child. Sad that the mother lost her life, but the saving of the child had to be of some comfort to the family, I would think.

Coffee out on the patio, where it looks a lot like SPRING!


  1. I vaguely remember hearing that story. Sure makes me believe in guardian angels. Windy, cloudy and cold again today. Happy first day of Spring.

  2. Hey Rob...
    It is strange, isn't it?
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    I can see where it might make believers out of a lot of folks.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

  3. What ever it was or who ever just glad to child was saved.

    It's 42 here so not so much like spring right now supposed to reach 79 but we shall see in the mean time I'll come sit on your patio

  4. A Mother's love for her child is the strongest force in the world. She probably clung to life long enough to save her child.

  5. Hey Jo...
    I was happy for the child as well!
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    I really would like to think that's what it was.
    Many thanks for the visit today!
