Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Jonathan Davis On Western Wednesday...!

Here is a story of a man that faced what would seem to be impossible odds and came out the winner. That didn't happen often in a gunfight, but this was not an ordinary man.

Davis–Sydney Ducks Shoot-Out

If there is one man you definitely don’t want to face in a gunfight, it’s Captain Jonathan R. Davis. On December 19, 1854, he single-handedly took on a dangerous gang of robbers and killed 11 of them.

Davis was a former army captain turned prospector. On the day in question, he was working with his two partners when they were ambushed by a band of outlaws. Almost half of the men were “Sydney Ducks,” criminal immigrants from Australia. The rest were Mexicans, Americans, Brits, and even a Frenchman, 13 in total. They were thought to be responsible for 10 murders just in the few days prior.

They charged the three prospectors, guns blazing. Davis’s partners were gunned down immediately. One died on the spot, and the other would succumb to his wounds days later. Davis had time to pull out his revolvers and start firing. By the time he ran out of bullets, seven outlaws were on the ground. Four of the survivors decided to approach Davis with blades—three with Bowie knives and one with a sword. Unfortunately for them, Davis had his own knife and was quite adept at using it. He took turns disarming and stabbing each one of his assailants, even cutting the nose off one of them.

The remaining robbers, finally realizing they had no chance, made a run for it. Seven of their comrades lay dead at Davis’s feet, and four more later died of their injuries.

I'd say that this man was one genuine bad-ass! I found this story over on Listverse with other stories of famous gunfights of the Old West.

Coffee out on the patio again this morning!


  1. Sounds like "Walker - Texas Ranger." - lol

  2. Now that is the kind of person I would like for a friend; so he could protect me from outlaws. Another cloudy, windy, cool day here. No sign of Spring yet.

  3. Hey Gorges...
    I reckon he does, at that!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Linda...
    I reckon that if anyone could protect you, he would certainly fit the bill. Probably smile the whole time as well!

  4. Yep I would like to have him around for protection and action as well.

    50 here this morning and will go up into the low 80's later on. See you on the patio

  5. They don't make them like they used to. He was a man's man for sure.

  6. Hey Jo...
    Sounds like you may be getting some Spring weather finally.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

    Hey Dizzy...
    Certainly seems to be one of the good guys.
    Thanks for the visit!

  7. Sounds like someone you would want on your good side...A couple of inches of snow on the ground here again today...(sigh) Happy Spring 😕
