Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Victor, The Feral Boy...!

For today let's talk about feral children. One in particular, Victor of Aveyron.

While many cases of feral children are actually cases involving child abuse or abandonment, there remains many reports from around the world of actual feral children found in the wild. Unpleasant, but factual.

Victor of Aveyron

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

In the early 1800s, a young French boy was spotted living in the woods. The wild child was clearly fearful of people. Eventually, however, he emerged on his own. Lacking language, preferring uncooked food, and covered in scars, it was obvious that he had been wild for most of his life.

A physician named Jean Marc Gaspard Itard took in the boy, naming him Victor. Itard studied Victor for five years. Although the only words Victor ever learned were lait (“milk”) and Dieu (“God”), he did make great progress in learning empathy–one of the traits that Itard believed separated humans from other animals.

Sadly there are more modern versions of feral children even in this day and age. Google it and you'll see what I mean.

Coffee out on the patio on this fine Spring day!


  1. That is so sad. Makes you wonder what happened to his parents. Glad someone took him in and tried to help him. Sunny here today with temps around 40 . WooHoo

  2. Hey Linda...
    At last you are getting some sun, right?
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

  3. I think many of the "feral" kids of today are more demon possessed.

  4. Just can't help but wonder how they could be abandoned like that. I believe most of these cases were caused by poverty. Seen a few specials on these children. Sad

  5. How very sad to think of children alone like this:(

  6. Hey Gorges...
    That could very well be the case.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Jo...
    Some folks just have no compassion at all!
    Thanks for dropping by today, sweetie!

    Hey Mamahen...
    It is indeed very, very sad.
    Thanks for stopping by today!
