Saturday, October 6, 2018

How About Some Spider Music...?

As we all know, nature has endowed her creatures with some pretty amazing skills. What you may not know is the extent that music plays to some of Her critters.

They Play Music On The Web

A spider plays music on its web, using the vibrations as though it were a plucked guitar string. This fetches information about its mate, its prey, and even the strength and flexibility of its web. “Most spiders have poor eyesight and rely almost exclusively on the vibration of the silk in their web for sensory information,” says Beth Mortimer of Oxford University. “The sound of silk can tell them what type of meal is entangled in their net and about the intentions and quality of a prospective mate.”

The echoes also give accurate information about the condition of the web. Spiders can feel these incredibly small vibrations through organs on their legs (known as “slit sensillae”). By tuning the silk, spiders can control and adjust the properties of the silk as well as the way the individual threads interconnect with one another.

Researchers have shot bullets and lasers at the silk to measure its vibrations. Spider silk is tough but still able to transfer even the slightest information effectively. For humans, these sonic properties may inspire the creation of new lightweight technologies such as intelligent sensors.

Maybe if we were a bit more in tune with Nature, we could tune in on some of their music. On second thought, man could never be quiet long enough to hear much that nature has to offer...sadly.

Coffee out on the patio this morning!


  1. I had no idea! Very interesting. You're right. Most humans like the sounds of their own voice to well, to ever tune into nature that completely...the patio sounds good:))

  2. I have two "writing" spiders that I am watching. Wish I could hear them, too. One was "dancing" around its catch wrapping it to keep for later enjoyment.

  3. Hey Mamahen...
    Humans love to talk and make noise, more so in certain parts of the country than others. No way they could tune in to nature.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    They are interesting to watch, no doubt about it.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. Shooting bullets is going a bit to far I would think but yes the webs are beautiful. I have one out the window of my computer room off the carport and it caught my eye after a wet night it was shimmering like a rainbow. I took pictures but haven't posted them on my blog yet.

    It is another wonderfully cool morning for the patio

  5. Hey Jo...
    Some of their webs can be a thing of beauty, that's for sure. Hate to walk into one unexpectedly though.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

  6. I wanted to let you know that even though I don't comment much, I read your blog every day, it's a highlight!
    We've got the big orb or zipper spiders in the garden.

  7. Hey Recycled...
    Always welcome, even without a comment. I do hope you find the post interesting.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  8. I would think, since most spiders have eight eyes, that they could see quite well. Goes to show you what I know. . . but always glad to learn. Thanks for the great posts you always have.
