Sunday, October 7, 2018

The House Of Doom...!

As we all know, the criminal mind can be very twisted and cunning at times. Here is a story that could be right out of a fiction novel. I got this little gem from the folks over at Listverse.

The FBI Agent And The House Of Doom

Photo credit: Surprise Police Department/AP

An FBI agent was injured after being shot from a booby-trapped wheelchair on a property in Oregon.

On September 7, several law enforcement officers were called to the home of 66-year-old Gregory Rodvelt (pictured above) in the small town of Williams. They were there at the request of the real estate lawyer tasked with selling the place after Rodvelt was forced to forfeit the property.

It seems that Rodvelt placed several traps before leaving. He was charged with assault for injuring the agent, and court documents described the event as a scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark. Perhaps most telling was a circular hot tub which was turned on its side and rigged to roll over anyone who triggered a tripwire. Also inside were spike strips and the wheelchair that injured the FBI agent.

The makeshift trap consisted of a wheelchair fitted with shotgun ammo and other items that caused an explosion when a person stepped on a fishing line. An X-ray found a shotgun pellet in the officer’s leg.

Although Rodvelt has been in jail in Arizona since April 2017, he was released this August for a few weeks to prepare for the property forfeiture. Presumably, that is when he rigged all the traps.

I get the feeling that this was not a very nice man, ya know? I sure wouldn't want him for a neighbor.

Coffee out on the patio this morning!


  1. Once again all I can say is WOW!

  2. Guess he'll be spending more time in jail.

  3. Hey Mamahen...
    Guess his mind is pretty twisted. Definitely not a nice man.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Sure looks that way to me. Seems like he earned it.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. And if he was already in jail and they just released him for a week, yep that's AZ justice system. Why couldn't he get things done from the jail? That's one twisted man.

    Windy night here and still very windy another storm coming our way.
