Sunday, November 11, 2018

Another Sunday Off...!

I know this is going to come as a shock, but I am taking another day off today. In fact, I think that I will start taking Sundays off for a while. No particular reason, just wanted to try and cut back a little bit, ya know?

If nothing else this will give you some extra time to spend reading the funny papers, or the Sunday news. I'll be back on Monday, but starting today I'm going to be off on Sunday...OK? OK!


  1. Don't let yer new-found freedom make ya all wild and crazy! ;-)

  2. Go for it! I think we'll survive.:>)

  3. You keep taking all these Sunday's off & you're going to see it in your paycheck! Oh, wait... you don't get paid for this.... never mind :-)

    Enjoy your day...

  4. No problem you have been doing this for how many years now? You deserve to take Sunday's off.

  5. After 11 years of blogging nearly daily, I found that taking a certain day off each week began to feel like a work week. Now I just take one off if my body or mind is saying REST. It seems to fit my style better than a scheduled day off. Shows that each blogger needs to do WHAT FITS THEM. Enjoy the day off but I know you will still be thinking of things for your excellent blog even on Sunday. The OFM Teams will eagerly pounce on your next entry when it shows up. Have fun.
