Saturday, November 10, 2018

Murder By Monkey...!

While a lot of folks think that monkeys are cute and funny, be aware that some of them can be very harmful to your health.

The Monkey Who Kidnapped And Murdered A Child

Photo credit: The Independent

This might easily be the most serious case on the list. It involves a monkey kidnapping and later murdering a child in India. Reportedly, it has been fairly common for local monkeys to steal food and cause problems, but this was the first time that they took someone.

According to the child’s mother, the newborn was sleeping when the monkey grabbed and carried the boy away. Sadly, the monkey was too fast for the mother to catch. Later, the child was found dead behind the home where the monkey must have dropped him

Sort of takes the cute out of the equation, doesn't it? Monkeys are too much like evil little humans for my liking.

Coffee in the kitchen this morning. I'll share my bacon with ya'll!


  1. Well, there goes the cute factor. I'll see them in a different light after this. ..Live a cozy kitchen in a cold day...How about I bring some biscuits n honey to go with the bacon:))

  2. That is probably why I really don't like monkeys. Bitter cold here this morning - 17 degrees and windy.

  3. Hey Mamahen...
    I do love me some biscuits and honey. Great with bacon!
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    Now that is cold, for real! Too cold for me.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. Never could understand how they can let those filthy things take over the towns and become so grossly over populated.

    Coffee in the kitchen with biscuits, honey,bacon and wonderfully hot coffee sound like a great start to this day. Not to cold this morning at 58 but over night tonight will drop down into 30's. Linda that's cold

  5. Maybe the monkeys are getting revenge. We've been doing things like that to them for way too long.
