Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Sam Kelly On Western Wednesday...!

Not only were things rough and rowdy in the American wild West, but our neighbors to the north had their hands full with bad guys as well. From Listverse, here is a story about one gang called the Nelson-Jones Gang.

Sam Kelly And The Nelson-Jones Gang

Photo credit: The Great Canadian Bucket List

When Sam Kelly and his gang terrorized a town, you had to catch them quick. As soon they’d appeared, the boys would disappear into the Big Muddy Badlands of Saskatchewan: a place full of caves, cliffs, and gullies. In a second, Kelly and his men would disappear into a winding network of tunnels and vanish.

Kelly started his criminal career with a trek down to Montana, where some old friends were being held in prison. With a copy of the jailhouse key given to him by the town’s corrupt deputy sheriff, Kelly was able to walk right into the prison and leave with the prisoners. He even tipped his hat to the sheriff’s wife as he walked out with two convicted felons.

From then on, Kelly was a career criminal. He would steal horses and cattle from Saskatchewan farms or sometimes move south of the border and hijack a train full of gold. He caused so much havoc that the Mounted Police set up a fort in the Big Muddy Badlands to try to stop him, but he disappeared every time.

After years of crime, Kelly had a change of heart. He walked into the police station and turned himself in. Kelly, though, had been so careful that they didn’t have enough evidence to convict him in of a single crime. Even though he’d brought himself in, they had to set him free.

I'm surprised that they didn't hang him just on general principals. After all, they did have his confession, right?

Coffee out on the patio this morning while we still have the chance.


  1. Interesting that they couldn't prosecute him...Patio sounds nice:))

  2. That really surprises me also. Makes me wonder who and what the Sheriff was. Patio sounds great as it is 32 degrees here this AM. At least it is not raining.

  3. Hey Mamahen...
    Guess the law was a lot different back then. Plus it was Canada.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    You don't suppose that the Sheriff was paid off, do ya? Anything's possible, I reckon.
    Not quite that cold here yet.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. Pretty slick dude I'd say.

    Patio is fine mornings here are pretty chilly thus the late attendance here, sleep really good even the dog doesn't want to get up.

  5. Hey Ian...
    It would appear so. I guess you just never know.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Jo...
    I can certainly understand the sleeping in part. I do it myself.
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!
