Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Unlikely Spies...!

Ever since mankind has felt the need to separate into separate tribes or countries, there has been the almost compelling need to spy on one another. Why...who knows. I think you will agree, though, that these spies are questionable, at best.

In A Nutshell 

Mossad is one of the most feared intelligence agencies on Earth, a sophisticated Israeli spy network that’s light-years ahead of its Middle Eastern counterparts—counterparts, incidentally, who believe Mossad is capable of controlling animals. Over the last decade, countries from Iran to Saudi Arabia have taken to arresting squirrels, pigeons, and even kestrels they believe are Mossad spies.

The Whole Bushel

In 2007, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards launched an intense sting operation on the streets of Tehran that netted 14 enemy spies. It was the moment the belligerent Islamic republic had been waiting for: a brilliant PR coup against their enemy neighbors. Unfortunately, the international community’s newly acquired respect only lasted until they saw the captive “spies.” It turned out Iran had done nothing more than round up a group of squirrels.

With such a daft story, you’d be forgiven for thinking this was a one-off—something to while away a slow news day. But animals being detained, imprisoned, and even tortured as spies is a bizarrely common occurrence in the modern Middle East. A year after the squirrel debacle, Iran managed to top itself by detaining and presumably executing two pigeons it accused of working for Israel. Perhaps sensibly, Israel declined to comment.

And it’s not just Ahmadinejad-era Iran that gets amusingly jumpy around animals. Over the years, both Sudan and Saudi Arabia have arrested vultures on espionage charges, while Egypt has previously insisted a killer shark found off its coast was a Mossad plant. Even normally sensible Turkey recently arrested a kestrel, although in this case the bird was later released back into the wild.

In short, Mossad’s enemies apparently fear them so much that they think they can control animals. However, before us Westerners start to feel too pleased with ourselves, it’s perhaps worth mentioning that our security services have been monitoring China’s scientific advances in controlling birds for a couple of years now. You know, just in case.

I picked up this article from a site called Knowledgenuts. The one thing I'm not surprised at is the fact that the U.S. has actually fallen into this mindtrap way of thinking, ya know?

Coffee out on the patio this morning, until the rain starts.


  1. Well, I don't know what to think about this. While controlling animals seems far fetched, I've seen some pretty strange things turn out to be true:)) 32° on our patio today, so yours sounds much better:))

  2. Now I know the world has gone "bonkers". I guess next time I see that squirrel sitting in my tree just staring at me I had better call the FBI. I am right there with Mamahen in that your patio sounds better than mine. 32 degrees here also.

  3. Guess I'll have to be careful about the squirrels that sit on my porch railing and look in the window. Really, I can only laugh.

  4. Hey Mamahen...
    I'm getting to the point that nothing surprises me any more.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    Yeah, you never know who that squirrel is working for.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Yeah, the whole thing seems to be a bit extreme to me.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

  5. The whole premise is easy to laugh at... but I wonder?

  6. Hey Rob...
    It does make you stop and think for a second, doesn't it?
    Many thanks for coming by today!

  7. Just never know what these people are up to.

    See you all on the patio

  8. Hey Jo...
    Guess everyone needs a hobby, right? Even crazies!
    Thanks sweetie, for dropping by today!

  9. Animals can be very good friends and also, they can be very bad enemies.
