Wednesday, January 16, 2019

No Good Deeds Goes Unpunished...!

That's a saying I've heard all of my adult life, but I have mostly considered it untrue. However, here is a story from Listverse that could prove me wrong.

James Brady

Photo credit: Viorel Florescu/North Jersey Media

In 2013, a man named James Brady was living in a homeless shelter in Hackensack, New Jersey. One day, he was taking a walk. As if by some miracle, an envelope filled with $850 of cash was just lying on the street. James could have secretly pocketed the money, but he chose to do the right thing and take it to his local police station, just in case whoever lost it was looking for the envelope. They told him that if no one claimed the money in six months, it was his. During that time, he tried his best to find part-time work and eventually got out of the homeless shelter by splitting rent on an apartment with multiple roommates.

Sure enough, six months later, James got to keep the money that he turned in. However, since he had gotten the police involved, the state learned of his new $850 “income,” and they revoked his free Medicaid health care, because he “made too much money.

Karma can be a friend, but then again Karma can come back and bite you in the backside whenever she wants. After all...the name is Karma!

Coffee in the kitchen once again.


  1. Sounds about right. My SS went up a few dollars a couple years ago, so now I'm $12 a month too "rich" to get medicaid.

  2. Can see that happening easily...On my way to the kitchen:))

  3. Boy, does that ever sound about right. The government will bite you in the rear just to get a few more bucks out of you.

  4. "No good deed goes unpunished" is often the way it is.

  5. Hey Gorges...
    Now that really sucks. Growing older is a bummer at times.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Mamahen...
    The PTB are going to get their cut regardless.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Linda...
    Gotta pay for all those "secret" programs and all those "private" disputes everywhere.
    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Rob...
    That's so true, but it still sucks at times.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

  6. So easy to believe this story. I'm going to leave it right there don't want to go into a rant.

    See you in the kithcen

  7. Hey Jo...
    I know it makes all of us want to rant about this treatment, but somes life events just suck.
    Thanks dear, for dropping by today!

  8. That's New Jersey in a nutshell.

  9. Hey Leigh...
    Never been there, but some close friends lived there once. I understand that what you say is mostly true, for sure.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  10. I agree with all the others, but I 'm not yet ready for socialism, paying 70% in taxes so everyone can get "fair and equitable treatment" . Lived in one of those places, waiting 7 months for surgery to reset a broken digit. No thanks.

    Pray for all our leaders that some progress may be made.⛪

    Big hugs
