Thursday, January 17, 2019

The First Flying Car...!

Sounds like a fairy tale, doesn't it? Folks have been waiting for a reliable flying car for a very long time. However, most of us don't realize that the first was actually built way back in 1932!

The First Flying Car Was Made In 1932

Photo credit: SDASM Archives

We have yet to perfect the flying car even though the first one was made in 1932 by Waldo Waterman. He called it the Waterman Arrowbile and made five prototypes before ceasing production.

Waterman created the first prototype of his flying car in 1932. It was a winged three-wheeler that he called Whatsit. He created an improved prototype in May 1935 for a flying car competition organized by the US Department of Commerce.

The May 1935 prototype could not be driven like a car. But it made Waterman more determined, and he even formed his company, the Waterman Arrowplane Co. He developed another prototype that could be driven like a car as well as fly. The wing and propeller were removed when the flying car was to be used as a car on land.

Although Waterman made more prototypes that drove and flew, most people were not interested in a flying car at the time. In 1938, he shut down his company.

The very thought sorta scares me when I think of all the traffic problems we have in the city of Houston. I can visualize even a small portion of our crazy drivers flying around the sky like the way they drive on the road...and that is a very scary thought!

Coffee in the kitchen this morning!


  1. Yeah, we'd be seeing billboards "Don't fly and text!"

  2. Wow, It boggles the mind to think about It. I would rather stay on solid ground:))

  3. I lived south of Houston in 1979_1981. That traffic passing through Houston made me promise myself to NEVER agree to work in Houston again. Never did.

  4. I thought traffic in Atlanta was bad until I visited Houston. Unfortunately I see a traffic increase here in the country. People moving out of the city. Makes me think about moving up into the mountains.

  5. Flying cars scare me. People can't even drive on the streets without crossing; what happens when they are flying around in the air? And don't even get me started on "driverless" cars.

  6. Hey Gorges...
    You're probably right!
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Mamahen...
    I'll go along with that, for sure.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Bigfoot...
    Hadn't gotten a lot better since then, it seems. Don't blame ya for the decision.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Seems that no where is safe from the swarm any more. I may join ya in the mountains.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    I really don't want many of my neighbors to be flying around. What a nightmare!
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

  7. That is not for me I don't like flying anyway but what a mess in sky. It's bad enough they're allowing driverless cars we already have had 2 fatal accidents here in AZ.

    On my way to the kitchen.

  8. That would take the fun out of being a "back seat driver". (grin)
