Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Better Hold That Baby More...!

Ever wonder if you are holding a baby too much? According to this study, the more we handle a baby the better it is for them.

Holding a baby can change its DNA. Studies show children who have low physical contact as infants end up with DNA cells that are less mature than usual, which can result in delayed growth and development. This means the effects of denying physical affection to babies aren’t just behavioral- they’re genetic.

Interesting, don't you think?

Coffee out on the patio for a change this morning!


  1. I knew there was a reason I loved holding babies:))

  2. Always knew there had to be a reason why I love holding little babies. Still snowed in here, so coffee on your patio sounds great. Save my spot on the swing.

  3. Holding babies is good!
    I am really confused about all the ways of "changing" your DNA. I thought you were your DNA, now it seems your DNA can change for a variety of reasons. Odd.

    A good choice of stories!

    I'm up in central Florida this morning, wet & cool today... I miss Key West already! Coffee inside.

  4. Hey Mamahen...
    As if any of us needed a reason to hold a baby!
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Gorges...
    That about says it all.
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    Sorry to hear that you are snowed in again.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Rob...
    Sorta boggles the mind, doesn't it?
    Thanks for coming by today!

  5. Very interesting, but there is nothing better than holding a baby in your arms and just snuggling them.

    Coffee on the patio is nice, I was testing some new camping gear yesterday on the porch it was so beautiful so it's time for the clean up after a long winter of wind. 74 today but 66 tomorrow with more rain

  6. Bubba, one of the ways I volunteer at my local hospital is holding babies. Very rewarding for me, nice to know it is for them as well. 😊

    Big hugs
