Thursday, February 14, 2019

This Cocktail Has WHAT...???

At times we can come up with some very strange names for alcoholic drinks, but I reckon that is the nature of the beast. However, one of the strangest has to be from the Yukon according to the folks over at Listverse.

Human Toe Cocktail

Photo credit: The Guardian

Bars are known for alcoholic creativity. However, one cocktail is hard to beat. To order the sourtoe cocktail, one must travel to Yukon territory in Canada. The next step is to find the Sourdough Saloon in Dawson City.

Ask for this particular drink, and the bartender fills a tumbler with spirit (often whiskey). The final ingredient—a mummified human toe—is then plonked inside.

The drink comes with one rule. Your lips must touch the toe. When that happens, the saloon hands over a certificate. So far, over 100,000 people have earned their certificates.

The drink’s history is just as weird. It was born in 1973 after an entrepreneur found the frostbitten toe of a rum smuggler. The digit had been kept in the smuggler’s shack since the 1920s and was around 50 years old upon discovery.

The entrepreneur started the drink as a way in which people could prove themselves as worthy Yukoners. The original toe was swallowed in 1980, but several frostbitten toes have taken its place since.

This is one of those things you might have to be drunk already before trying, ya know?

Coffee out on the patio again this morning!


  1. Glad I don't drink lol...On my way with fresh backed cinnamon rolls:))

  2. I'm sure you're right about the drunken part.

  3. I would have to be falling down drunk to even think of ordering that drink. Thank you for the cinnamon rolls, Mamahen -one of my favorites.

  4. After reading this article... I'll take a syrup of Ipecac, neat, and make it a triple, please.

  5. Hey Mamahen...
    Always in the mood for fresh cinnamon rolls.
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Gorges...
    Only way I'd ever try it!
    Thanks for coming by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    I know what you mean!
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Bigfoot...
    Gotta have something to wash down the thought of the "toe".
    Thanks for coming over this morning!

  6. Some people are just plain cracked

    Sorry I'm late everytime Windows 10 does one of those forced updates I have so much trouble getting my laptop going again.

    Hope theres some of those wonderful cinnamon rolls left

  7. I am glad I was half way between breakfast and lunch when I read your post. Did they filter out thee tow-jam???

  8. My wife and I have partaken of this drink! The spirit was Yukon Jack whiskey, and the Big toe, as the picture shows. They have another drink they call the Sour Foot Cocktail; same spirit, but with all 5 toes!

    We did this on a 10th wedding anniversary. Thanks for the post! Brought back a lot of good memories!

    John in Alaska
