Monday, February 4, 2019

The "Wonderman" For Monday Mystery...!

History is filled with people that little is really known about. Here is one such story from the folks over at Listverse.

Comte de Saint Germain

The Count of St. Germain (allegedly died February 27, 1784) was a courtier, adventurer, inventor, amateur scientist, violinist, amateur composer, and a mysterious gentleman; he also displayed some skills with the practice of alchemy. He was known as ‘Der Wundermann’ — ‘The Wonderman’. He was a man whose origin was unknown and who disappeared without leaving a trace.Since his death, various occult organizations have adopted him as a model figure or even as a powerful deity. In recent years several people have claimed to be the Count of St. Germain. (Note that St Germain was never regarded as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church – the “st.” before his name refers to his alleged home).

Like I said, so many mysterious people throughout our history that we know next to nothing about. Really makes you wonder about someone like this, doesn't it?

Coffee in the kitchen today.


  1. Very interesting subject! Sure does make you wonder. Raining here all day today with temps around 40. What a difference a couple of days make.

  2. I don't really wonder about someone I never really heard about... he could have used a good publicist.

    Wyatt Earp (d-1929) was not famous (they say) until the book "Wyatt Earp: Frontier Marshal" was published in 1931. A good publicist!

    It's damp & foggy this morning but it's not cold. I had to go out first thing to get propane so I didn't have coffee until I got back, I did have that coffee inside...

  3. Hey Linda...
    Rain is better than cold and snow, right?
    Thanks for stopping by today!

    Hey Rob...
    Sometimes that can make all the difference, I reckon. Glad you are staying warm there.
    Thanks for coming over today!

  4. Of course I never heard of this man either. So many unknowns out there.

    Coffee inside been raining since yesterday not to cold just damp

  5. Hey Jo...
    True...there are many unknowns out there, but it makes it fun to look one up!
    Thanks, dear, for dropping by today!

  6. I also had never heard of this guy. Temps are in the low 50s today. In the 60s yesterday, so I got out of the house for the first time since Christmas week.

  7. Neither have I heard of him but there were lots of important people in the past that most of us have never heard of. Mr. Hermit Jim is very important, and I am sure he will be remembered for at least a couple of centuries. They may even use his old blog posting as a teaching tool in schools and universities...
