Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Where Are All The Great Daredevils Today...?

Back in the "old days", certain folks would gladly risk life and limb, mere to please an audience. You might not remember them by name, and some of the acts they did were nothing short of amazing! Most would not be allowed today for reasons of safety, but you can certainly bet they were popular in their time. Here is one of those acts from back then.

Aloys Peters, the Man with the Iron Neck

In the 1930s, the Great Peters, as he was billed, thrilled and terrified audiences with his dangerous “hangman’s act,” during which he climbed seventy-five feet to a rigging suspended in the air, put an elasticized rope with a noose around his neck, and swan-dived to the ground.

Like a modern bungee, the rope would snap back before he struck, sending him flying upward, and he’d make a controlled descent. He died at the age of 45 in 1943 when something went wrong during the stunt and his neck broke. His body dangled high in the air for 20 minutes in front of a crowd of 5,500 horrified spectators while the St. Louis fire department struggled to reach him and cut him down.

Like I said...safety concerns would not let these acts be performed in this day and age. Shame really! You can read about more of these acts at Listverse.

Let's have our coffee in the kitchen this morning. I have some peach cobbler ready!


  1. I guess that is a good and not so good thing. Kids these days would be trying to do these stunts at home as they say...peach cobble...yum:))

  2. Sure am glad we have safety standards today. If we didn't way too many kids would try these crazy stunts and probably die. I remember when my son thought he was Superman and tried to jump off the shed roof with a cape. He got lucky needless to say. Peach cobbler sounds wonderful - thanks.

  3. Youtube has'em!
    Peach cobbler? Sound good!!

  4. Try watching America's Got Talent for some crazy dangerous stunts.
    For me, I'll just have the cobbler, please Yum 🍑 😋

  5. Hey Mamahen...
    We certainly don't need anyone trying something like this at home.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    I think all kids try something like that from time to time. Glad he wasn't hurt, though.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Rob...
    Yeah, there are a lot of crazy stunts on YouTube, for sure.
    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Sis...
    I love that show! Right you are about the stunts and also they have some great talent.
    Many thanks for stopping by today!

  6. Never fails something is bound to go terrible wrong, I like having my feet on the ground

    Peach cobble oh yes and coffee please. we are going to be down into the over night lows of 20's again by tomorrow night.
