Monday, March 18, 2019

Mount Shasta Mystery...!

So many natural wonders in our great country have an air of mystery attached to them. Take this Mount Shasta for instance. Folks have been associating myth and legend to the mountain for as long as anyone can remember. Here from Listverse is part of the reason.

Mount Shasta

Mount Shasta is located in the Shasta-Trinity National Forest of California and is a place shrouded by mysteries and legends. The tribes who lived on the mountain once thought of it as the center of creation and all life, while New Age believers see it as the Earth’s main point of spiritual energy.

In 1931, a huge forest fire swept across the mountain, only to be stopped by a strange fog that arose suddenly. It was later realized that the fog had stopped the fire directly in line with the Central Time Zone. This occurrence has never been explained scientifically.

The mountain is also said to be an entry point to the fifth dimension and an energy supply base for extraterrestrial craft, with local villages reporting large humanoid figures observing them from a distance. People also link these sightings to the Karuk legend of the “big people,” a race of superhuman individuals who fled their destroyed city of Lemuria and are responsible for the mysterious occurrences on the mountain.

The way I see it, any story that hangs around as long as the one pertaining to Mt. Shasta has to have started somewhere. Finding out the source of the myth could be the first step to getting some solid answers, right?

Coffee out on the patio this morning. We may get some sun!


  1. "It was later realized that the fog had stopped the fire directly in line with the Central Time Zone"

    Central Time Zone???? Mount Shasta is in California and that is the Pacific time zone. Central time zone ends with a North/South line at the Kansas/Colorado border. I'm confused.

    Experimenting with almond-flour chocolate-chip cookies for a friend with celiacs. They are pretty tasty if anyone would like some to go with our coffee.

  2. Judy, I agree with you about the Central Time Zone thing. What's up with that. Those are some strange myths about Mt. Shasta. My son climbed that mountain and never said that he saw anything strange up there. I will be glad to try one of your cookies, Judy.

  3. I'd read about the spirit/energy/UFO thing with Mt Shasta before. I've always though it was a great looking mountain!
    But along with everyone else ... the central time zone thing is really odd.
    Maybe not the oddest?

    Overcast & not warm in this part of Florida today... the overcast part is tough if you depend on solar panels.

  4. Hey Judy...
    The whole thing is a head scratcher, that's for sure.
    Thanks for stopping by this morning!

    Hey Linda...
    The only thing I can figure is that it must be a misprint or something. Makes no sense to me, either.
    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Rob...
    It is a good looking mountain, no doubt. Lots of questions about the time zone thing.
    Thanks for the visit today!

  5. I keep trying to figure out how and where they came up with the central time zone thing to. I just know that one day I would love to get as close to it as possible it is such a beautiful part of out country.

    Coffee on the patio sounds wonderful and the cookies are a welcome treat. I too have been trying the different flours

  6. Strange on several levels...those cookies sound yummy:))
